This is how I spend my free-time. Matt too:
3:37:48 PM matt: PM matt: pac-man WORLD sounds good! an entire world of pacman!
3:38:43 PM mark: hah, i like these create a scene postcards
3:38:47 PM mark: i'm going to make scenes for people!
3:39:24 PM matt: haha
3:40:16 PM matt: it's STUPID! you can't define your own bubbles!
3:40:24 PM matt: like for dialog
3:40:37 PM mark: what else would he say but "pellet-munching good"?
3:40:39 PM matt: but it appears they have their bases covered, so i guess it's okay
3:40:39 PM mark: you're an idiot
3:41:18 PM matt: oh SHIT. look at the ghosts section
3:41:29 PM matt: there's all these jackasses... and then there's this fucking badass!!!
3:41:31 PM matt: see him??
3:41:32 PM mark: hah
3:41:32 PM mark: yeah
3:41:48 PM matt: what the hell's his story?
3:41:49 PM mark: did you see how hot ms. pacman got!?
3:41:51 PM mark: goddamn!
3:41:58 PM mark: he's got this sweet blade, case closed! that's his story
3:42:03 PM matt: yeah she's begging for a dick in her
3:42:54 PM matt: i'd be a lot more enthusiastic about this tool if you could cut of certain parts of the sprites.. so i can make pac-man look like he's partially submerged
3:43:01 PM matt: that's all i've wanted to do this whole time
3:46:18 PM mark: were you the one that said the ghosts are ghosts of pac-men, or just some species of ghosts?
3:46:52 PM matt: who the fuck said the ghosts were ghosts of pacman?
3:46:57 PM matt: they're clearly just some ghost race
3:46:58 PM mark: i do!
3:47:00 PM mark: that's stupid!
3:47:01 PM matt: who hates pacmen
3:47:04 PM mark: you can't just have ghosts
3:47:09 PM matt: they look NOTHING like pacman
3:47:11 PM mark: ghosts have to be dead something
3:47:17 PM mark: neither do human ghosts!
3:47:20 PM matt: if they bore any resemblence, i might agree with you
3:47:23 PM mark: they're just white sheets
3:47:27 PM mark: they're apparitions
3:47:33 PM matt: of pacman himself??
3:47:35 PM mark: they don't represent visually what they are
3:47:39 PM matt: so his own ghosts are trying to kill him??
3:47:40 PM mark: not of HIM, of his people
3:47:41 PM matt: you're an idiot
3:47:53 PM mark: no, the ghosts haunt this place to protect the pills
3:47:57 PM mark: because all pac-men love pills
3:47:59 PM mark: they're druggies
3:48:06 PM matt: why would the ghosts of his own people hate their race though?
3:48:07 PM mark: so once one dies, they just keep wanting to protect it
3:48:19 PM mark: their last thoughts were "god, i want those pills"
3:48:25 PM mark: so their ghosts continue to protect the pills
3:49:29 PM matt: so since they can't have them at that point, they just protect them?
3:49:39 PM mark: yeah
3:49:42 PM matt: if they can't have them, no one can
3:49:43 PM mark: they want to horde them
3:50:13 PM mark: pac-man's such a glutton, he shoes how much they want it
3:50:32 PM matt: we need to get deeper into this... okay, so when pac-man dies, his eyes float off into the ghost lair
3:50:48 PM matt: so they've just assimilated another of the pac-men race
3:50:49 PM mark: no, the ghosts do
3:50:55 PM matt: wait, oh you're right
3:50:56 PM mark: pacman just folds back from the mouth
3:50:59 PM matt: when pac-man dies he just dies
3:51:00 PM matt: yeah
3:51:10 PM matt: so why wouldn't his ghost add to their pack then?
3:51:12 PM mark: it's like star wars
3:51:20 PM mark: you need special circumstances to become a ghost
3:51:20 PM matt: if your theory is correct, they should get a new ghost for their armada
3:51:26 PM mark: it might take a few minutes too
3:51:31 PM mark: you don't just become a ghost
3:51:58 PM matt: so when you kill a ghost, their eyes float back. what's the significance of that?
3:52:18 PM mark: i dont know all the mechanics of being a ghost
3:52:30 PM matt: yeah but you have a theory
3:52:37 PM mark: they need to restore their power somehow in that pen
3:52:39 PM matt: we're just brainstorming here
3:52:43 PM mark: that's like where they were originally killed, probably
3:52:50 PM mark: so they form from there
3:52:52 PM mark: it was like a genocide
3:52:56 PM mark: like the jews
3:52:59 PM matt: you may be on to something here. maybe some kind of massacre took place in that pen
3:53:04 PM matt: like they all overdosed on the pills
3:53:05 PM mark: they got all these pacs in a room and killed them systematically
3:53:11 PM mark: oh, that's good
3:53:14 PM mark: it was probably an o.d.
3:53:20 PM mark: on the powerpills: the most powerfull pills
3:53:26 PM mark: so now that's their one weakness
3:53:28 PM matt: yeah, you can only have 4 of those at one time
3:53:31 PM matt: they took like... 20
3:54:15 PM matt: i'm still not sold on the idea of them protecting the pills
3:54:23 PM matt: WAIT
3:54:26 PM matt: i think i have it
3:54:41 PM matt: they're not protecting the pills. they're protecting THE PAC-MEN
3:54:51 PM matt: they're protecting the pac-men from themselves!
3:55:01 PM matt: they just don't want those pac-men overdosing like they did
3:55:04 PM mark: that's insane!
3:55:08 PM mark: they wouldn't kill him
3:55:10 PM matt: but they act on pure instinct, so they just chase them around
3:55:16 PM matt: killing is the only want to stop them
3:55:18 PM mark: i think they want to protect the pills
3:55:22 PM matt: why though?
3:55:23 PM mark: they're still glutonous for the pills
3:55:28 PM mark: that's the downfall of their race
3:55:29 PM matt: but they overdosed!
3:55:36 PM mark: look how many pac-man still munches down on
3:55:42 PM matt: it's so powerful that even after death they lust for them
3:55:49 PM mark: that's why heroin addicts almost die, then they go right back to the habit
3:56:25 PM matt: so the whole game is basically a drug metaphor
3:56:32 PM mark: gluttony in general
3:56:38 PM mark: since there's also pretzels and fruits and things
3:56:43 PM matt: this isn't so much gluttony as it is substance abuse
3:56:46 PM matt: oh
3:56:47 PM matt: true
3:56:52 PM mark: well yeah, any kind of addiction
3:56:54 PM mark: sometimes it's just food
3:56:56 PM matt: but also strawberries?? and bananas? it's mostly healthy foods
3:57:04 PM matt: pretzels are the only unhealthy thing
3:57:08 PM mark: still, eating those will get you fat too
3:57:10 PM mark: a lot of sugar
3:57:12 PM mark: diabetes
3:57:14 PM matt: haha
3:57:37 PM matt: so what's the story with this landscape?
3:57:40 PM matt: this maze?
3:58:26 PM matt: it could be some kind of preventative thing. like it probably extends way out, much farther than we see. and only the truly determined pac-men get that far, and are rewarded by the powerpills
3:58:36 PM matt: but their final challenge is those ghosts
3:58:39 PM mark: i don't know
3:58:49 PM mark: well, it's probably just really hard to get pills at this point
3:58:56 PM mark: their society has just wasted themselves on them
3:59:03 PM mark: so now the only ones are in these scary haunted labyrinths
3:59:11 PM mark: but this guy is so presumptuous he goes in and tries to eat them
3:59:33 PM matt: yeah, pac-man is very presumptuous
4:01:12 PM mark: this is in wikipedia: The ghosts will never go upwards into either of the two passages immediately above their monster pen (unless they are in their blue vulnerable state). A player being closely pursued can lose his pursuers by leading them to the top of the monster pen then going upwards into either of the two passages; the ghosts will not follow.
4:01:23 PM mark: this indicates a trauma in that passage, i'd say
4:01:45 PM matt: yeah, they can't bring themselves to follow
4:04:46 PM mark: oh, god
4:04:48 PM mark: i might be wrong
4:05:27 PM mark: this is from a summary of the various intermission scenes
4:05:28 PM mark: Blinky chases Pac-Man across the screen, but his pelt gets caught on a tack in the floor, and part of it is ripped off revealing his bare leg. This intermission plays after Board 5.
4:05:34 PM mark: a bare leg!? are they just guys!?
4:05:43 PM matt: !
4:05:45 PM matt: what??
4:05:48 PM mark: i really want to see this
4:05:52 PM mark: like humans!?
4:05:54 PM matt: why are the dressed as ghosts? just to fuck with him?
4:06:01 PM mark: i know!
4:06:03 PM matt: well fucking play the game to board 5!
4:06:07 PM mark: here's another wikipedia thing: Blinky, with the corner of his pelt sewn back on, chases Pac-Man across the screen. Blinky reappears coming back the opposite direction, naked, dragging his pelt behind him. This intermission plays after Boards 9, 13 and 17.
4:06:11 PM mark: what the fuck!?
4:06:15 PM mark: you see him naked!?
4:06:17 PM matt: NAKED
4:06:19 PM matt: we need to see this
4:06:21 PM mark: this answers everything
4:06:27 PM mark: if we could just see it
4:06:35 PM matt: i wonder if he's human human! like, from our world!
4:13:32 PM mark: did you know the ghosts eventually become invulnerable to powerpills?
4:13:34 PM mark: it's true!
4:15:13 PM matt: what?
4:15:14 PM matt: when??
4:15:26 PM matt: i can't believe they adapt like that. bullshit. bullshit.
4:15:35 PM mark: i can't believe they get naked at some point
4:16:00 PM matt: if they're just guys, how do they have the power to kill pac-man so swiftly?
4:16:05 PM matt: there's more to this story.
4:25:06 PM mark: with the pacman rom, you can somehow auto-clear the pills
4:25:13 PM mark: thus revealing the nudity intermission
4:25:23 PM matt: it's only 5 levels in though right?
4:25:39 PM mark: that's the leg, i think
4:25:43 PM mark: full nudity is later
4:25:59 PM matt: well fucking do that then
4:31:48 PM mark: i can't find this naked picture anywhere
4:32:11 PM matt: get the rom!
4:32:36 PM mark: i don't know how to cheat it
4:32:42 PM matt: fucking play it! be a man!
4:32:48 PM mark: i suck at pacman
4:36:29 PM matt: is dr. mario a different mario alltogether, or just mario in costume?
4:37:00 PM mark: he's just mario prescribing drugs
4:37:05 PM mark: hah
4:37:06 PM mark: i got it!
4:37:08 PM mark: what the fuck!
4:37:10 PM mark: he's a freak!
4:37:14 PM mark: i'm not sure what this proves
4:37:37 PM matt: give me the screenshot!
4:37:45 PM mark: PM mark: it's definitely inhuman
4:38:09 PM matt: oh jesus
4:38:09 PM mark: it could still be a ghost, and they're just playing with the sheet idea
4:38:11 PM matt: what is that??
4:38:12 PM mark: but i don't know
4:38:14 PM mark: it's gross
4:38:20 PM matt: it's a mutant!
4:38:25 PM matt: it's a mutant dressed up as a ghost
4:38:28 PM mark: you think they're outcasts?
4:38:31 PM matt: yeah
4:38:39 PM mark: are they a pac-species?
4:38:43 PM mark: or just mutant freaks
4:38:48 PM matt: maybe there were at one time
4:38:55 PM matt: maybe there was some kind of war
4:39:20 PM matt: but why bother dressing up?
4:39:21 PM mark: god, it's disgusting
4:39:25 PM matt: why not just come out and kill them
4:39:27 PM mark: i'm sure they sicken each other
4:39:29 PM matt: haha
4:39:37 PM matt: that might be it
4:39:38 PM mark: it's like a mound of flesh
4:39:45 PM matt: it's REALLY gross
4:41:23 PM matt: no i think we're on the wrong track alltogether
4:41:33 PM matt: i mean, yeah they're mutants
4:41:39 PM matt: but that's all we have right i think
4:42:08 PM matt: it's clearly some kind of endurance test for pac-man. because the levels start out with the pen's door closed. pac-man is given a running start
4:42:11 PM matt: and then they release these mutants
4:42:22 PM matt: one at a time
4:42:35 PM matt: i think only pac-man doesn't realize they're mutants
4:42:53 PM matt: i think it's kind of like Cube. pac-man is just dropped into this environment that has been prepared for him
4:44:41 PM mark: hah
4:45:27 PM mark: you might be right
4:49:29 PM mark: do the mutants choose to wear these clothes then?
4:49:38 PM matt: that's something i'm still not clear on
4:51:33 PM mark: i think you're right about that cube idea though
4:51:37 PM matt: why?
4:51:40 PM matt: did you find some literature?
4:51:42 PM mark: and it makes sense for us too, as the gamer
4:51:48 PM mark: no, just my knowledge of theory
4:51:53 PM matt: yeah, it's a game within a game i think
4:51:55 PM mark: as a gamer, we don't want to help a glutton
4:51:57 PM matt: a meta-game, if you will
4:52:03 PM mark: it's like we're placed in the game with him
4:52:08 PM mark: we're helping him through this trap
4:52:14 PM matt: yeah
4:52:16 PM mark: but the tragedy is that there's NO WAY OUT
4:52:19 PM mark: he can't win
4:52:23 PM matt: the only way out is to eat EVERYTHING
4:52:28 PM matt: but then it just starts all over again
4:52:28 PM mark: no, it doesn't matter!
4:52:42 PM mark: and the food is just to nourish him
4:52:47 PM matt: no!
4:52:47 PM mark: that's why it just comes in occasionally
4:52:53 PM matt: this is sick! i'm just realizing what it is
4:52:55 PM mark: or to feed the mutants!
4:53:04 PM matt: no no.. here's what i think it is
4:53:07 PM mark: what?
4:53:14 PM matt: his choice is simple: die or eat
4:53:20 PM mark: hah
4:53:23 PM matt: he has to run to get away from the ghosts
4:53:29 PM matt: but running means he has to eat what's in his path
4:53:31 PM mark: hah
4:53:39 PM mark: like they're experimenting to see how much he'll eat?
4:53:52 PM matt: so the goal isn't to collect all the food.. it's just to stay alive. but staying alive means he has to collect all the food
4:54:00 PM matt: yeah... it's a sick experiment
4:54:07 PM matt: to see how much he'll eat before he'll lay down his life
4:54:07 PM mark: this is sick!
4:54:11 PM matt: i know!
4:55:00 PM mark: though i like thinking they're real ghosts, this theory is much stronger
4:55:05 PM mark: and more fun to play
4:55:19 PM matt: we still haven't come up with a reason why the mutants are dressed as ghosts
4:55:27 PM matt: or maybe Shadow (the red ghost) is the ONLY mutant
4:55:31 PM mark: that's just their clothing, probably
4:55:32 PM mark: shutup!
4:55:34 PM mark: that's idiotic
4:55:35 PM matt: and he's hiding that fact from his fellow ghosts
4:55:46 PM mark: they probably just wear these cloaks naturally, in their habitat
4:55:47 PM matt: alright
4:55:53 PM mark: what about the regeneration though!?
4:55:55 PM matt: so the ghost outfit is just their style
4:56:00 PM mark: that made sense as ghosts, but not as living mutants
4:56:21 PM matt: maybe they're undead
4:56:27 PM mark: maybe they're such freaks that they eject their eyes when they're near death
4:56:32 PM matt: some kind of voodoo magic keeps bringing them back to life
4:56:36 PM mark: and they can regenerate in special chambers
4:56:36 PM matt: hahs
4:56:38 PM mark: from just their eyes
4:56:44 PM matt: the eyes are all they need
4:57:14 PM matt: so in their dying moments, their eyes can eject themselves and travel to the regen chamber
4:57:17 PM mark: hah
4:57:19 PM mark: i don't know
4:57:20 PM matt: these things are FREAKS
4:57:23 PM mark: this seems silly
4:57:45 PM matt: you think there's a simpler explanation that fits all the facts, einstein?
4:58:02 PM mark: yeah
4:58:49 PM matt: but the eyes turn corners!
4:58:58 PM matt: i could understand just ejection, but these eyes have a life of their own
4:59:05 PM mark: the eyes could symbolize their souls
4:59:09 PM matt: or maybe that's just the game dramatizing the process
4:59:17 PM mark: maybe they are undead, but not ghosts, like you said
4:59:22 PM mark: they're undead freaks of some kind
4:59:30 PM matt: how is this less silly?
4:59:34 PM mark: i don't kow
4:59:38 PM mark: the eyes make no sense
4:59:50 PM matt: maybe in real life all they do is eject the eyes, as you said. but the game trumps up those abilities for the sake of fun
5:00:03 PM matt: or the eyes are just symbolic as you said
5:00:10 PM mark: hah
5:00:13 PM matt: it represents reincarnation
5:00:17 PM mark: i'd rather this were all a reality though
5:00:24 PM matt: agreed
5:00:25 PM mark: adding these visual metaphors clogs our theory
5:00:50 PM matt: there's no boss of any kind right?
5:01:05 PM matt: if there were i'd say he was controlling the eyes through telekenesis
5:01:56 PM mark: there's no SEEN boss
5:03:28 PM matt: haha.. we can't go on flights of fancy like this
5:04:17 PM matt: but, it could be like black holes... we can prove this unseen boss's existence through observing his effects on the pac-world
5:04:25 PM mark: hah
5:04:34 PM mark: we'd need more evidence than eye movement though
5:04:44 PM matt: i know it.
5:04:55 PM matt: that's the only thing that's otherworldy
5:06:11 PM mark: what if, like tron, it's a virtual world of sorts
5:06:33 PM mark: the intermission scene: is reality!
5:06:38 PM mark: but pac man never sees that
5:06:42 PM mark: he just sees eyes running away
5:06:49 PM mark: but really he's just eaten an electronic cloth
5:06:56 PM mark: and the naked freak runs back to get a new one
5:07:29 PM matt: wait, so you're saying in reality the eyes are all that exist?
5:07:32 PM matt: i'm not following you here.
5:07:33 PM mark: no!
5:07:43 PM mark: the eyes are all pac-man sees once he eats them
5:07:47 PM mark: because he's in this virtual world
5:08:01 PM mark: in reality, he's just eaten the covering of these henchman who are participating in the "game"
5:08:14 PM mark: they run back and grab a new one from the starting pen and come back after him
5:08:24 PM mark: everyone's just playing a game but pac-man
5:08:29 PM mark: he's the only one really fighting for his life
5:08:55 PM matt: so he literally eats the ghost costumes?
5:09:00 PM mark: yeah
5:09:12 PM mark: and the freaky henchmen run back
5:09:19 PM matt: oh
5:09:31 PM matt: and since he's in a virtual world, he just sees eyes representing the mutants
5:09:47 PM matt: because there's no representation in the game for their actual bodies
5:09:53 PM mark: yeah
5:09:56 PM mark: something cloaks that
5:10:02 PM mark: i don't know what
5:10:24 PM matt: so it's like the matrix? if he dies in the game he dies in real life?
5:10:29 PM matt: pac-man i mean
5:10:35 PM mark: yes!
5:10:44 PM matt: but the ghosts don't die in real life.
5:10:49 PM mark: right
5:10:52 PM mark: they're just players
5:10:58 PM matt: so it's still kind of like cube, but it's a virtual environment they've prepared for him and trapped him in
5:11:03 PM mark: yeah
5:11:05 PM matt: rather than a real one
5:11:09 PM matt: i'm just not sure about this
5:11:17 PM matt: this is a big leap just to explain the eyes
5:11:25 PM matt: you're changing the whole premise!
5:11:35 PM matt: why are they doing this then? let's get back to basics.
5:11:40 PM matt: what's their goal?
5:12:11 PM matt: if they wanted to kill pac-man, they'd just do it.
5:12:57 PM mark: they want to learn about his species
5:13:02 PM mark: they're a species of mutants
5:13:06 PM matt: and the intermissions are reality.. but pac-man is still in the game... the intermissions just give us a glimpse of what's ACTUALLY going on
5:13:09 PM mark: they don't know how pac-man lives!
5:13:18 PM matt: and when he tripped, he just tripped on something that exists in the real world or whatever
5:13:24 PM mark: yeah
5:13:26 PM matt: oh, that's good
5:13:31 PM matt: probably some wires or something
5:13:33 PM matt: that he tripped on
5:13:39 PM matt: because it's a highly electronic environment
5:13:46 PM mark: like, pac-man is really running around, but wearing a vr headset
5:13:52 PM matt: yeah
5:13:52 PM mark: but he doesn't realize that
5:13:55 PM matt: or drugged
5:14:35 PM matt: why don't they just chase him around for real?
5:14:52 PM matt: because they don't want to reveal their identity
5:14:53 PM matt: got it
5:14:58 PM matt: they're very xenophobic
5:15:26 PM mark: and they don't want to be in real danger
5:15:39 PM mark: this way, once they feed him the sheet he moves on, thinking he'd destroyed the threat
5:15:59 PM mark: when really this mutant is right there!
5:16:05 PM matt: haha
5:16:09 PM matt: this kind of works
5:16:14 PM matt: you may have it
5:16:23 PM mark: Toru's (creator of Pac-Man) opinion was that females like eating and reject violence. Armed with these two vital fact's regarding the female mind set Toru, lead programmer Hideyuki, and two graphic designers and Toshio Kai for sound began building their game.
5:16:27 PM mark: i like that
5:16:33 PM mark: that's how pac-man came to be
5:16:42 PM mark: women love to eat!
5:16:45 PM mark: it's funny because it's true
5:16:56 PM matt: it's the only thing that explains both the motivation of the mutants AND the eye phenomenun
5:17:08 PM mark: yeah
5:17:12 PM mark: i think we've got it, man
5:17:35 PM matt: haha
5:17:43 PM matt: those are two vital facts about women
5:18:01 PM matt: but in what way does pacman represent a female?
5:18:11 PM mark: that's why they later made ms. pacman
5:18:17 PM matt: to clarify
5:18:28 PM matt: it's a bit more literal, but not by much
5:18:43 PM matt: and ghosts clearly represent men, because they lust for women and also embrace violence
5:18:52 PM mark: right
5:18:54 PM matt: but let's not get into the metaphor of the game. let's stick to the story
5:19:02 PM matt: that's a seperate topic
5:19:43 PM mark: yeah
5:19:46 PM mark: we've got the story, though
5:19:47 PM mark: that's it
5:19:49 PM matt: haha i hate how this is what we've come up with. after 2 hours
5:19:57 PM matt: but it's the best explanation
5:21:08 PM matt: women love to eat! that's the game!
5:38:59 PM mark: what if this is just recreating a pac-myth?
5:39:00 PM matt: at first i was worried that this was all some kind of play put on for our benefit
5:39:05 PM matt: because it has actor names playing ghosts
5:39:06 PM mark: maybe the pac-men are a real people and this is their legend
5:39:12 PM mark: hah
5:39:21 PM mark: those are just nicknames
5:39:25 PM matt: but that's not the case. you'll notice that it says "character / nickname"
5:39:32 PM mark: that would be a horrible story
5:39:35 PM mark: if this was just a drama
5:39:37 PM matt: i think the nicknames are just what they're known as in the virtual world
5:39:49 PM mark: hah
5:39:51 PM mark: yeah
5:39:56 PM mark: in a sense, that is a play
5:39:59 PM matt: it does't say "actor / character" , it says "character / nickname"
5:40:03 PM matt: in a sense
5:40:07 PM matt: oh no!
5:40:08 PM matt: wait
5:40:12 PM matt: what if it IS a play
5:40:13 PM matt: oh shit...
5:40:24 PM matt: like, the costume being ripped off... that's a fuck up!
5:40:31 PM matt: during the play, that happened
5:40:36 PM mark: no, that's crazy
5:40:38 PM matt: haha
5:40:43 PM mark: there's no play to it!
5:40:47 PM matt: okay, yeah, i'm just being crazy
5:40:54 PM matt: it seems like i remember some credits sequence though
5:41:01 PM matt: in which they all came out or something
5:41:04 PM mark: what's the plot of his play?
5:41:06 PM mark: a guy eating shit?
5:41:08 PM matt: but there is no credit sequence according to what we know
5:41:14 PM matt: yeah, it's very simple
5:41:22 PM mark: i wish we could see the opening sequence
5:41:48 PM matt: there's probably an emulated version of it on the web
5:41:50 PM matt: let me look
5:42:10 PM matt: i think there is a sequence at the beginning. like if you don't put a quarter in
5:42:16 PM mark: yeah, me too
5:42:21 PM mark: actually, i might already have pac-man
5:42:35 PM mark: i hate this 15" monitor i've got now
5:42:39 PM mark: it's like a postage stamp!
5:45:01 PM matt: does this work for you? PM matt: okay it's working now
5:45:42 PM matt: here we go
5:45:52 PM matt: it introducing characters and their nicknames now
5:46:20 PM matt: yeah i think it is kind of like tron.. the blue walls really add to that virtual feel
5:46:28 PM matt: i'l going to play this
5:49:05 PM matt: you can't fucking continue!
5:49:11 PM matt: i've got like 15 credits in and it's like "game over"
5:49:12 PM matt: fuck you!