Jun 26, 2011 16:31

NAME: Dha (or D)
AGE: 22
JOURNAL: twenty_til_12
IM: mustlovetherock, [plurk] rarimmadinosaur

FANDOM: Star Wars: The Original Trilogy
CHRONOLOGY: The Return of the Jedi - after Jabba's Palace
CLASS: Hero, definitely hero.
ALTER EGO: Leia Organa, politician - potentially a senator

The galaxy far, far away (and a long time ago) that Leia lives in is filled with an incredible number of aliens of every shape and size. The ability to travel to other planets is restricted only by the Imperial Empire, which rose to power after the Emperor Palpatine took control of the Galactic Senate. Despite many things in the universe being based on facts and concrete ideas, there are still mystical elements and the supernatural still guide the inhabitants, such as the Force. These inhabitants span thousands and thousands of miles of galaxy, and are all primarily under the control of the Empire. There are small sects here and there that have to fight to keep their distance, such as those in the Outer Rim, but they are few and far between.

Leia was born on an asteroid Polis Massa, along with her twin brother Luke Skywalker. The two were the children of the jedi Anakin Skywalker and thus were born Force-sensitive. At the time of Luke and Leia's birth, the jedi (space samurai with special abilities that use the Force) were being exterminated by the newborn Galactic Empire and, in an attempt to keep them safe, were separated and adopted by two separate families. While Anakin's stepbrother adopted Luke, Bail Organa, the senator for Alderaan, and raised her in the royal house of Alderaan as a princess. Throughout her life, she knew of the Empire and the likes that ran the galaxy, but never agreed with their methods or ideals.

However, Leia becomes more closely involved in the likes of Darth Vader when her ship, the Tantive IV, is boarded by him and his party of stormtroopers. While she usually is incredibly rough and tumble, she's not about to risk the stolen Death Star plans and stores them in R2-D2, a droid or robot, and sends both it and C-3PO, a protocol droid, in an escape pod, hoping they'll somehow reach Obi-Wan Kenobi, a jedi knight who fought alongside Bail Organa during the Clone Wars. With the plans stored and her mission completed, she joins the fray herself and is taken prisoner by Darth Vader to await execution.

The Empire still has plans for her, though, and she is tortured and her home planet destroyed in an attempt to gain information on the Rebel Alliance. She only gives the location of a long-abandoned base when her planet and two billion people are at risk. When General Tarkin destroys Alderaan anyway, she's very visibly upset by the sudden loss of her home planet and willingly waits for her death. However, when Luke Skywalker and Han Solo half-ass a rescue, she finds that maybe she'll live to see another day. She doesn't sit back and simply wail to be rescued, though, she blasts open doors, gives orders, and reaches through garbage to try and save Luke from the space octopus.

After the Obi-Wan's death at the hands of Darth Vader, Leia comforts Luke. The "easy" escape, though, makes her uncomfortable. Still, with the loss of Alderaan pushed to the back of her mind, Leia focuses on the task at hand: using those stolen Death Star plans to stage an attack on the superweapon. She's very aware of the sacrifice of so many spies and good people to bring these plans and isn't about to waste time. As well, she's not about to waste time on Han when she feels like he's abandoning the cause. She understands that there's people who might not be as gung-ho as her, as much as they irritate her.

Since Leia isn't a pilot, she has to stand around in the Rebel base and hope that they return safe and achieve their mission. Once the Death Star is destroyed, the Rebel forces are hunted down and pursued, scattering them across the galaxy. Where Leia ends up with a few hundred other Rebels is the ice planet Hoth, which is almost completely uninhabitable. When Han informs the General and the other higher-ups of his departure, Leia responds very coldly, but follows him out into the hallway to ask him why he's leaving when they so badly need his help. Their argument sits second in her mind when Luke doesn't report back from exploring Hoth and tries to reach Han on the comlink.

Again, she has to stay behind and simply wait.

When Han confronts her about her 'feelings' for him, she quickly becomes riled up and kisses Luke, who she doesn't know is her brother. However, when trouble starts up with the presence of an Imperial Probe Droid, she dismisses the argument and gets right to business, sending Han out to figure out what the droid is. With the Empire knocking at their door, Leia is one of the last to evacuate, again putting others and the cause of the Rebel Alliance before her own life. She gives out orders for the soldiers, displaying her natural leadership and sense of strategy. During the Empire's hunt of the Millennium Falcon across the galaxy, Leia becomes closer and closer to Han and eventually falls in love with him. That doesn't stop her from bickering with him or ordering him around, though. Her strong personality still continues to clash with his.

However, compared to Lando, Han looks pretty good. They arrive in Cloud City to try and fix the Millennium Falcon and meet the greasy Lando Calrissian. Leia, off the bat, doesn't like him and refuses to trust him, despite Han's assurances. Quickly, her suspicions prove correct and Lando reveals his betrayal as he turns over Leia, Han, and Chewie to Darth Vader. She fights in the only way she can without endangering Han further: verbally. Still, that doesn't do much and they soon find themselves in the freezing chamber. Just before Han's frozen, Leia confesses her love to him in a moment of true vulnerability.

She attempts to pursue Boba Fett, the bounty hunter with Han now in his custody, but can only follow him so far. S Thus, she has to return to the Rebel Fleet hiding away from the Empire in order to save her brother Luke. She can't simply abandon her responsibilities to search for and rescue the man she loves. As she continues with her duties (funding X-wings and avoiding the Empire's gaze), Leia continues to try to find ways to rescue Han, helping Chewbacca and Lando anyway she can. Eventually, disguised as the bounty hunter Boushh, Leia arrives at Jabba the Hutt's palace on Tattoine with Chewbacca, planning to rescue Han, like the bamf she is, but is instead captured by Jabba. Varying novel to novel, what happens to Leia before her movie reveal in the 'bikini' is a little bit of an unknown, but the wiki states that she was stripped naked in front of all those present in the Palace (with the exception of Han, Chewie, and other prisoners) and forced into a metal slave outfit with a chain attached to her neck.

With Luke's arrival at the Palace, she's greatly assured that they'll make it out alright, until he's dropped into the rancor pit and subsequently taken out to the Dune Sea to be executed with Han and Chewie. However, with some small amount of planning and a greater amount of quick thinking, Leia strangles Jabba with the chain around her neck as Luke dispatches the guards on the skiffs. Then, together, they destroy the Hutt's sand barge. It's right after this scene that Leia re-arrives in the City and, yes, wearing the gold bikini.

Leia believes and displays a willingness to be rough and tumble, that while being a diplomat she can use alternate means of negotiation and will not be intimidated through force. On the same token, she is not afraid to use force herself if necessary and has defended herself several times in the face of life-threatening danger and without fear (unless, of course, they're mynocks). Her confidence comes in part from training under Giles Durane while growing up on Alderaan. While others in her social status threw lavish parties, she spent her free-time learning self-defense and marksmanship. Needless to say, her proficiency lends her a more calloused feminism in that she rarely allows herself to appear vulnerable, especially to the men around her, and more than once has seen herself as superior to those men because of this. While those around her would appear to go off half-cocked, her quick and strong intellect allows her to act quickly and purposefully in a way that may not have been expected of her gender. Whether or not her plan of action involves getting into the thick of things doesn't particularly perturb her in any way and, personally, she would rather get actively involved in a high-risk situation than to sit on the sidelines and watch. As well, her style echoes this in that she rarely wears dresses, instead choosing more practical clothing such as trousers and blouses rather than heels and silk.

Despite her father's fall to the dark side, Leia herself has remained mostly uncorrupted by the politics she was raised in and instead found herself focusing primarily on those in need around her. She allowed herself to become a fugitive in the eyes of the Imperial Senate so that she could follow a cause that she truly believed could restore a more egalitarian republic rather than the faux one she had been raised in. More than anything else in her life, Leia would give anything for the cause of the Rebel Alliance, even her life. Her loyalty to both her newfound friends and her cause continues to shine as she relentlessly pursues her goal of a new republic for the galaxy. When her mind is set on a goal, she rarely deviates from it; her strong will and fierce sense of duty to find freedom and equality for those around her leads her despise beings and situations where the contrary is true. Abuse of prejudices and stereotypes will especially set her off. As irritable and abrasive as she may sometimes seem because of this (as well as her strong moral code), she has proven to have a strong sense of humor, albeit a little dryer than some people's tastes.

But, even with her dryer, tougher side, Leia demonstrates a deep compassion for others, especially in regard to the loved ones in her life. She feels very much for the people she leads, for their lives and families as well and most dearly her close friends Luke and Han. She has on more than one occasion put her own safety at risk to try and help them, both out of loyalty and her own personal feelings. But, this devotion to aiding others extends past just her personal circle of friends and family as this is how she initially becomes involved in the Rebellion. Her duty, more often than not, comes before personal matters, though, and her relationships can suffer because of it. She has no "social life," and really doesn't care one way or the other. Those people that she loves stand by her side and throw themselves just as deep into the cause as she does. Leia is quite human and she does have moments of weakness, especially concerning those she cares about. However, this is only if the time and place allow her to.

When it comes to the world of the unknown, Leia has a pretty open mind, despite the very concrete reality that she lives most of her life in. She isn't wistful or theoretical, but she doesn't rule out those options either. When Luke mentions the Force to her, she doesn't at all deny its existence and when she begins to experience it herself, she doesn't try to deny it or shut it away, but instead opens herself up to it as much as she can. Still, she doesn't foster her Force sensitivity until well after the fall of the Imperial Empire as, again, her responsibility and duty come first before everything else in her life.

Leia was brought up in the home of the Senator Bail Organa and groomed to be a skilled diplomat. That being said, she also has a natural talent for tactics and has helped to plan the destruction of the original Death Star as well as the destruction of the second. When growing up, she also trained under Giles Durane for self-defense and marksmanship, both of which she excelled in. In addition, despite her lack of jedi training, she has displayed a sensitivity, especially in regards to the bond with her twin brother Luke. However, she cannot swim.

Her super-power(s) will be adaptations of Force abilities she acquires later in the Expanded Universe. Primarily, she will have a certain level of telekinesis. She can lift small objects and with training much larger ones and before being ported out, she was beginning to display some of those abilities. She will not have her "battle meditation," however, as it's too far in the godmod territory for my comfort.




application, capeandcowl, ooc

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