kinda fun=Willow's obsessions

Jul 09, 2007 14:45

Top 10 Celebrity Crushes (of the Moment)

Saw @ jacedesbff's journal

[1] - List your top 10 celebrity crushes.
[2] - Put all of them IN ORDER of your lust for them. (1-10, 1 being favorite)
[3] - Say which movie/show/thing it was that hooked you and when that was.
[4] - Supply photos for said people.
[5] - Tag five people!

On for the cuteness here )

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Comments 11

misohappy July 10 2007, 23:48:31 UTC
#9 Looks like Justin Long! I loooved him in Accepted. XD And Jeepers Creepers. <3 Very hot!

JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE! *Fangirls and swoons* THAT MAN IS HOT. Loooove me som JT. XD


willow003 July 11 2007, 00:55:02 UTC
;) A few weeks ago JT would've been #1 for me, but you know, it's HP month!!!! :D

I'll have to check out Jeepers Creepers! I remember trying to watch it and got really grossed out {{that's the one where they get stranded and go into a creepy dead person cave and stuff right?}}


kit_tricky July 11 2007, 02:37:28 UTC
I'll have to do this later.
And no, that's not Jeepers Creepers. It's actually a pretty lame movie.


willow003 July 11 2007, 03:07:18 UTC
ok. love the icon btw!!!! :D
And, I could do yours FOR you!.


kit_tricky July 11 2007, 10:19:16 UTC
Ok, do mine for me and then I'll do it, too. And let's see if they match up. They more and likely will.


willow003 July 11 2007, 14:05:17 UTC
ok. I might not use pics those. too lazy.


toys4benji July 11 2007, 14:24:21 UTC
Shia just turned 21 so you are safe;)

I agree with Shia and JT and the MAC guy is a cutie but in a lil boy way. The faculty dude was in Alpha Dog with JT AND in his video as well.

BTW, I was mistaken, HP does come out today in Cali. I'm taking Tommy to see it!


willow003 July 11 2007, 15:30:19 UTC
Let me know how you and Tommy like it!!! :)

And I'll have to check out JT's vid with Shawn because I absolutely LOVE him. ;)


toys4benji July 11 2007, 23:08:31 UTC
It's the 1 with Scarlet Johanson in it (I'm drawing a blank on the name of the song.



willow003 July 12 2007, 02:19:22 UTC
what comes around goes around!!! :) or something like that. LOVESSSS THAT SONG!


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