I should have thought to use this picture as an alternate ages ago. This only happens to be the picture of the character I took my name from in the first place.
Actually, the name came before the pagans. A few weeks after the movie came out I was given access to an on-line citizens-band chat service. I needed a handle and chose Willow. A few months after that I discovered the pagan community. I figured the name made a good pagan name so I kept it.
Especially since it was such an UNCOMMON pagan name. It was years before other Willows started showing up. I think it was after Buffy the Vampire Slayer came out that the pagan community suddenly grew a bumper crop of Willows.
And here I thought it was just a reference to a tree ... Considering the useful properties of willows in general (e.g. acetylsalicylic acid or "aspirin"), I can see it being generally popular. :-)
Comments 3
Especially since it was such an UNCOMMON pagan name. It was years before other Willows started showing up. I think it was after Buffy the Vampire Slayer came out that the pagan community suddenly grew a bumper crop of Willows.
Considering the useful properties of willows in general (e.g. acetylsalicylic acid or "aspirin"), I can see it being generally popular. :-)
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