Title: That kind of love Rating: NC-17 Pairing: Darla/Tara, Willow/Tara Summary: Darla returns to Sunndale after the events of Epiphany. Warnings: Character deaths Length: 4,256 words
I'm sorry if you think it doesn't fit with the community. I realize that the Darla/Tara part is as big as the Willow/Tara part, but I thought that still was okay. If you want me to delete the post (or if you want to delete it yourself), that's okay, just let me know.
It's not that it wasn't as a big....the Willow/Tara part wasn't even there. You don't have to delete it, but just please try to keep with the Willow/Taraness =)
The Willow/Tara part *is* there. It's just not a very happy part, I'll grant you that :) And well, I'm going to post some happy Willow/Taraness to make up for it, then.
Comments 4
I won't delete it because I'm a nice mod like that, but if you could keep the original traits of the characters, that would be greatly appreciated.
I really really liked your writing, it just, the story and the pairing doesn't really fit with the community.
And well, I'm going to post some happy Willow/Taraness to make up for it, then.
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