This morning I:
Yesterday I shot at it, but missed. This mornign I shot it with a single cartridge. I think I forgot to allow for the difference between the door to the barn and the ground I was standing on.
Shooting the rabbit was damn satisfying frankly.
and I hope to eat it.
IT also gave me a great idea for a cartoon!
Yesterday, when shooting at the rabbit (More closure) I discovered that the boards were rotting off the ramp to the barn, every which way. I decided this was dangerous and needed to be fixed. Mother agreed. We measured the boards, counted them and off I went to the local hardware store, which had closed a half hour before
One gas up later, I was off to Lowes, because I generally find the people there nicer and eaiser to deal with than Home Depot, and redid the list because mother asked for 2 inch boards, when we only needed one, got them, got the stripping for the treads and brought them home
This morning, I got a broom and a hammer, and went out swept the two inches of snow that fell in the night away, and pried up the rotted boards, reinforced the verticals and began banging away. I sent star to fetch a bunch of things at first which remidnded me I hated working with him, including the rifle, which he brought me dispite the fact I know he hates guns.
It felt good to see a project from start (this needs doing) to finish (why willow doesn't do carpentry)
Somehow, despite carefully nailing the first board on at a right angle, and then laying the rest out, when I finished there was a gap at the top. A triangle shaped one.
I'm really quite bad at this.
Sadly while I was working I was quite... worried really. The reward for a job well done is of course, another job, but it's especially terrifying for me. I pick jobs I can do just inside my capabilities so I can get as much done as possible. Hard stuff other people can't do. But I was just terrified that the response would not be 'wow Willow, good job, you did it!' But 'Great, what are you going to do next?'
checking my email I discovered a receipt for an automatic payment to Mcafee for subscription services for 69.95.
'wait' I said 'I dont' think I'm running that any more' so I checked. Nope. I wasn't. They said I could get a refund within sixty days, so I went to the website and logged onto the chat help.
which was quick, painless, enabled me to make my breakfast while waiting, and solved the problem
Though it did kind of feel liek I was talking to a program trying to pass the turring test.
... I get a manic phase before my period sometimes.
Now! On to finishing presents for my sister and Brother!
And figuring out something to get/make for my other brother.