(no subject)

Feb 14, 2005 07:49

One more year before I'm of legal age to sell myself for money. Now if I get enough money, I'm going to go and get myself a passport and go to the UK 'cause I'll also be of legal age to drink in the UK.

you are a big nose! my friend has one of you. it
gets cold sometimes but he has a nose warmer so
thats good. big noses sometimes get in the way
of bats.

what thing are you?
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Which LOTR Slash Pairing Are You?
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Which LotR Male are You Compatible with Sexually?

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Catherine Willows

mrs. sympathy

You're Catherine. You've got a daughter of your
own, and you kinda let that influence you some.
Like how you're constantly pissed at whoever
you're investigating in relation to your ex.
That sort of thing. You're also extremely
tense because you have to pick up your daughter
from school but you have to take a look at that
hair evidence and maybe you can do that at four
but oh she has a recital and-- Calm down,
girl, before you get so tense that your body
tears itself apart.

Which CSI Are You?
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Your soul mate is Greg Sanders, lab technition at
CSI. He's cooky but with a slick 'tude. He most
likely analyzed your DNA but deemed you to have
"flawless DNA fot his kids." He's a
very upbeat and extroverted individual, and
likes the ladies, although seems to have no
steady girlfriends.

~*Which CSI is your soulmate? (for girls)*~
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OMG! I got Greg... =O

You are a NITPICKER! You just can't suspend your
disbelief enough to ignore the fact that the
dead guy just breathed, and you can't help
pointing out that you really can't process DNA
in half an hour.

What kind of CSI fan are you?
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You love Grissom! Way to go! He's so smart, he
could stare down his nose at Einstein! Well,
maybe not Einstein, but you get my point. He
doesn't judge people, he's a quick thinker, and
he's like a pocket philosopher! Great choice.

Which CSI would you date? (girls)
brought to you by Quizilla

Yeah... I have to go now... 'cause I can't have Andrea killing me. *runs away*
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