Book 23 is a proper new book, only out recently, as opposed to being just new to me. The list is
I must say I preferred this immensely to the last Pern novel. Dragons Fire seemed to me disjointed and jumpy, possibly because the pair were trying to follow 2/3 different sets of characters (did they each write the different characters stories and bung them together, I wonder...), whereas this book by focussing on Kindan was immensely more readable. I'd have liked to see more about the Harper Hall and the Holds getting back on their feet, and it would have been nice to have a bit more tension (you knew that Kindan wouldn't impress, you knew that he wouldn't be killed in the duel, nor die in the plague, because he's in Dragon's Blood, which is set later than this, but overall a good story.
Not entirely sure what will be next, but I have the CS Lewis to read and the Cranford Chronicles.