The actual gift is a bottle of Plymouth gin. I regretfully realized earlier this fall that making things for my dad just isn't going to work -- he just won't know what to do with them, and he won't do anything with them, so in general I'm just not going to put my energy into that enterprise. Except for, well...
So I've been wanting to make something cute and cool for M, partially because her parents are so helpful taking care of the beastlies when I'm away...but mostly because she's a fab kidlet. Her favorite colors are red and black, and she's a budding gothlet
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There's a viral squirrel photo going around the net, and there's been quite a bit of squirrelizing happening -- particularly on Ravelry. There's even a squirrelizing site in the UK, although that squirrel is currently in hibernation
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It's sometimes called backwards knitting, where you knit from the right needle onto the left. There's a faction of left handed knitters who swear that this is the One True Knitting Style (TM) for lefties (of which I am one) and that those of us who learned and/or prefer other styles are just kow towing to the Man. Personally, I think it's all a
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I'm making a Yule hat for Deirdre. I have to say that when finished, I think this hat will truly be made of awesome and an epic win. However, it is kicking my ass in small, but significant ways. I spent massive amounts of time this morning knitting and then tinking and then re-knitting two measly rounds
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