Thank you to
whisperful who so graciously put the kanji to "Ore no Nihonkai" into a usable form for me to translate. ^.^
This song makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE. I swear! This is after using not only JQuickTrans, but Google Translator and Babelfish on some of it! This is the best I can do right now. Suggestions and corrections are quite welcome!
My Sea of Japan
Only lonely, a flower’s life
Two rows bloom
The stormy sea sways, gathers and returns
Snow falls, falls - Sea of Japan
I set sail, if you have time to get drunk and cry
That man, that presence
There’s a huge sea in me
Tomorrow is unknown heart full of tears
Shaking, being shaken loving the autumn rain
Blurring in the wave’s ravine
Love flutters - Sea of Japan
This hand of mine cannot grasp the dream, your illusion
That man, that presence
A sorrowful promontory in a dream
Life in waves, Spring breeze burns
The dream dances, dances - Sea of Japan
I set sail, if you have time to get drunk and cry
That man, that presence
There’s a huge dream in me