Fic of W/T yayness.
It has lyrics from Dido in it, "See the Sun", so I thought it would tie in well with the story.
Here goes:
“Breaking the Wall”
A pre-teen girl, about 13 or 14, didn’t realize what was about to hit her.
But first, let’s get a clearer picture of her and her life.
She was a fairly happy teen. Involving herself in many after-school activities, listening to music, hanging with friends, being on the internet (a lot) and watching TV.
Her name was Kara.
She was actually very creative for her age, thinking up new ideas all the time. Of her favorite shows, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer ranked as her most favorite.
She also liked Dido as her favorite artist.
She’d even told her friends, “If something goes wrong, play Dido. I’ll be thinking of Btvs, and Angel will knock me to my senses.”
She personally disliked Vampire Willow, out of all the evil characters in the Btvs Universe.
“What? She’s skanky, and I liked the other, adorable Willow MUCH better.”
Now that you’ve been given a glimpse of our sweet little schoolgirl, time to go back to reality.
She was walking home. On her street, there was a large tree, with gnarled branches.
A drunk driver sped dangerously around the corner, heading straight for her. She ducked under a particular branch, coming very close to getting her head cut off.
But, instead, the metal of the vehicle curved around the branch, saving her from that fate.
Instead, a piece of metal from the car, a sharp and jagged piece, imbedded itself in her forehead.
Her parents dialed 9-1-1 immediately. They’d seen the entire ordeal from their house window.
One of Kara’s friends got home about a half hour after the accident.
The phone rang. “Hi, Daddy!… Kara is…what?”
Dropping the phone, she ran from the house, to the nearby hospital.
She talked with Kara’s parents finding out all the details.
They had a cell; she asked to borrow it.
Making two calls, everything was covered, questions asked and answered.
And arrangements were made.
It was dark. What surgeries that could be done were finished. But they had no idea the war Kara was fighting inside her own mind.
Vamp Will was taunting her. Every little thing she could think up, she was doing to that poor girl.
‘Am I dreaming?’ Kara thought, ‘What episode is this? The Wish?’
She looked at her hands and glanced in a nearby mirror to see her face.
‘Then why do I look like Tara?’
The torture the Vampire was putting her through was not physical, but for some reason, her head hurt.
She was depressed and constantly reduced to tears.
One day, Vamp Will threw a sharp knife into her cage.
“Go on. Do it. Make it all end.”
‘I wonder. Will I be missed?’
Back home, her friends had set up a small radio, with CD Player, in her hospital room. Kara’s vitals were stable, slow, indicating a deep sleep.
Her friends had put in Dido’s ‘Life For Rent’ CD.
The doctors diagnosed her with an irreversable coma.
“She was so.. bright.”
“But, she would want to live on her own. Not by machines.”
The track on the CD switched.
I’m comin round
To open up the blinds
You can’t hide here any longer
My God you need
To rinse those puffy eyes
You can’t lie there any longer
The Vampire watched Kara torment herself with the decision of ending her life.. or not. She was oblivious to the music in the background.
Yes they’ll ask you where you’ve been
And you’ll have to tell them, again and again
She really debated suicide.
Until she saw a familiar face.
And you probably don’t want to hear ‘Tomorrow’s another day’
But I promise you, you’ll see the sun again.
More welcomed faces appeared. Faith, Buffy and Kendra.
And you’re asking me why Pain’s the only way to happiness
But I promise you, you’ll see the sun again.
Vampie Will wasn’t having fun anymore. In a fit of magickal rage, she duplicated herself, filling the room with multiple copies of herself.
Come on, take my hand
We’re going for a walk
I know you can
You can wear anything
As long as it’s not Black
Please don’t mourn forever, she’s not comin’ back.
Angel and the Slayers fought.. and they were losing.
Faith..was dead.
Faith, being her favorite Slayer. Always her source of hope (other than Angel).
Vampire Willow pounded on the bars of her cage, an invisible wall erecting itself around the bars. Lucky for Kara, so far the undead Willow couldn’t break through.
At the hospital, her parents filled out a ‘Do Not Resuscitate order’ form.
Yes they’ll ask you where you’ve been
And you’ll have to tell them, again and again
And you probably don’t wanna hear ‘Tomorrow’s another day’
But I promise you, you’ll see the sun again.
And you’re asking me why Pain’s the only way to happiness
But I promise you, you’ll see the sun again.
She saw the battle and twitched her finger…
Her father, watching her constantly, saw movement.
Her pinky…index finger…hand…
He ran as fast as he could to catch the nurse due to act out the DNR.
Do you remember telling me you’d found the sweetest thing of all
You said one day of this was worth dying for
So be thankful you knew her at all
Kara’s friends, hoping her father was in time to save her, turned up the music, hoping it would reach her more.
But it’s no more
And you probably don’t wanna hear ‘Tomorrow’s another day’
But I promise you, you’ll see the sun again.
As the music rose in volume, VampWill’s efforts became more intense.
And you’re asking me why Pain’s the only way to happiness
But I promise you, you’ll see the sun again.
A bright light slowly covered the floor. It shone in waves, each one stronger than the last.
All the Vampire Willow’s started exploding into dust, once coming in contact with the waves.
‘It’s sunlight!’ Kara thought, relieved.
She was also relieved to see that Angel was safe under a shadowed overhang.
Once all the VampWill’s were gone, the sunlight disappeared.
Angel walked over, safe, and opened her cage.
She stepped out and looked up, another light showing from above her.
She looked at it and wanted to go to it; Angel steered her away from it, toward a staircase that lead down.
Toward home, she knew.
And you probably don’t wanna hear ‘Tomorrow’s another day’
But I promise you, you’ll see the sun again.
The nurse walked down the hall, and she knew that she was just doing her job.
But this was the part of her job that she hated.
Seeing friends and family gathered around the door, she almost cried right there.
And you’re asking me why Pain’s the only way to happiness
Kara’s mother weas in her room, not knowing yet of her daughters improvement. She was doing what she thought she had to. Saying goodbye.
Angel led Kara down to the last step, seeing a white room below her.
“You’d better hurry. There’s a nurse down there that’s really hating her job.” He said, by way of goodbye.
She stepped off, causing her heartrate to go up, and the machines to jump with the activity of a non-comatose person, catching the nurses attention just as she was about to flip the switch.
But I promise you, you’ll see the sun again.