
Jan 02, 2005 22:42

hmm yesterday was new years day!!! i went to universal with nicole sarah taylor and shawn. we had a really really funn time eeven tho me and nicole were left alone most of the trip..us blondies had a LOT to catch up on cuz the bitch was in wisconsin for like a week!!!! lol damn i missed her... and shit! those 3 guyz that hit on us at the end were ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

yamaclaus January 4 2005, 00:49:10 UTC
Hey Shari! It's Evelyne, add me? I added you. ;*


willubemyhero January 4 2005, 04:02:27 UTC
omgg hey babe! u r soo added


yamaclaus January 5 2005, 01:43:47 UTC
thanks hon! Where were you today? I made it back in time for Bio.


willubemyhero January 5 2005, 22:08:50 UTC
sry babe i was sick...and i am again today! boo hoo***


sharwi!!! xosweetnikkyxo January 6 2005, 22:43:54 UTC
hey hun wassup its ur girl Nicole!!! im home sicky!!AHHHHH!!! my heady hurts and i feel like im gona throw up. u got me sick!!! lol jk jk!! u didnt! its jst the weather or w/e.. jeez im soo bored right now so i was looking through peoples LJs cuz im bored as fucklol....but yes we did have a really fun blonde time at universal heh... man we should have sooo gone across the street to go give those hotties our numbers come on girl they wer finnnnnnnnnne as hell!!o man when u wer stuck next to shawn that must have been torture im sry sweetie. o bw i have pics of u with the wippedcream..hahaha blackmail!!! dnt worry shari i wouldnt do that unless if i really had too..lol.. anyways.... OMG those surfers in ur house. I was about to die!! all soooo hot!!!anyways hun tomro i will return for our favorite class CHOIR!!! hun i missed u soo much choir was NOT the same!!!i missed u sweetie!! well i have to go now but we had such a fun time at universal studios and we sooooooo have to do it again!! except this time mre guys!! woop woop!! party over ( ... )


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