Dec 26, 2036 12:53
For christmas this year i got:
marc by marc impossibly chic neon crossbody baggette
lady gaga everything
my moonstone...from the other half of my moon <3
fox everything
my dream job working at Press Here in nyc
a better life ...
Dec 12, 2036 10:29
You know how i must be feeling if i began my monday commute with monogamy followed by blackout.
basically, i feel like tim kasher himself is sitting on my sternum.
the safest sex i ever had was with a Hooker.
Nov 27, 2036 00:50
The harder i try the more alone i wind up.
Everytime pretty woman? every... fucking...time...?!
Nov 18, 2036 14:49
running running running running running
this is my brain
running running running running running
chasing my sunset.
Oct 03, 2036 00:17
I come a different direction nowadays. Its much...brighter...
Sep 25, 2036 17:19
Im interning at the publicity firm which hosts my lifeblood. Being watched by conor oberst, jenny lewis, zooey dechanel, m ward, the faint, and the killers is the best way to spend a free work day. Ohhh me and my twisting fate.
And the best way to spend free time is being watched by the bright eyes of matthew.
Its good this week.
Sep 12, 2036 16:01
Dont let your silly dreams fall in between, the crack of the bed and the wall...
Neon clad natives claiming the woods.
Aug 07, 2036 00:47
Ever since i came back my life has been one over exaggerared series of unfortunate events.
I dont belong here.
Everyone must belong, somewhere.
Man overboard.
Plan C- Abandon Ship
Jul 10, 2036 00:03
Sometimes it is possible for me to feel absolutely nothing at all.