After sitting on some mind-bending information for a week, I thought I'd throw caution to the wind and let you in on a little secret.
I'm only 5 weeks along, so I'm trying to keep my head about me. I've still got another 7 weeks to go in this first trimester,'s...still so hard for me to believe!
Currently, my baby is 1/6 of an inch and resembles a tiny tad pole. SOOOOO CUUUUTE.
Adriaan is speechless. And thrilled. And stunned. And a little shaky. It's adorable to watch him trip around the house.
As for me, I'm actually not talking about it much. I think I'm still in shock. Though today I stared down at my belly and gave it a little hug.
When we told Ethan, he insisted that we were joking. Then he sat on my lap and said, "Mommy. I'm excited about you having a baby in your belly. But I'm MORE excited about my new transformer." I cracked up. Good for him for being honest. *g*
So. Um. That's it.
I'm pregnant.
Oh! And I'm crampy.
Oh! And my breasts hurt.
Like you really need to know all that.