yea ok im done!

Dec 05, 2005 16:14

hey everyone i have kinda decided to stop LJ i know i have only done it for like..... a week haha but still i dont like it very much and i have decided to kinda slow down on this computer crap! and if ya ever wanna talk u have many choices email me or call me hahaha!!! but anyways! i am stoppin LJ and pretty much slowing down on myspace but i will ( Read more... )

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Comments 13

someoneweird December 5 2005, 22:16:18 UTC
for real?! ok well nice havin' ya as a friend for a bit haha c ya soon!


ferdyflyer December 5 2005, 22:20:18 UTC
that is a noble effort, and I applaud you.
however.... u never even looked at your friends page so u really dont know what it's like. hahaha

but whatever. good job. Im proud of you. luv ya bwandon.


blonde_musician December 5 2005, 23:38:29 UTC're missing out!

good job though...I don't like the computer much anymore. But still. The currupted myspace has ruined you. That's too bad...too bad indeed.


blonde_musician December 5 2005, 23:39:27 UTC
JK, I meant to put jk, I accedently posted...hahaha cya on Friday!


someoneweird December 5 2005, 23:44:21 UTC
omg alli your so mean!


blonde_musician December 6 2005, 01:59:36 UTC


:/ captain_s December 5 2005, 23:58:15 UTC
awwwwwwwwww....thats so sad. :( I mean, the slowing down on my space is good. But...the Lj....What about all us that don't get to see you 3 or 4 times a week!!!!??!! (cough alliang).

*sigh* oh well. I'll you at the bash then. :)


Re: :/ ferdyflyer December 6 2005, 00:47:10 UTC
i don't see them that much everyweek.


Re: :/ blonde_musician December 6 2005, 02:00:12 UTC
ha 3 or 4?! That would be a dream come true!


Re: :/ captain_s December 6 2005, 16:56:34 UTC
ok fine, 2 times a week! Such a differenece. ahahaha...;)

I love you and ang so much! And i can't wait to see you guys in 4 days!


britesidethesun December 6 2005, 04:26:38 UTC
thats really sad. well the myspace part isn't sad. haha. but LJ. dude LJ is so cool.
but hurrah for getting off the computer. we all need that sometimes. (yeah gosh look who's talking I should too)

it was exciting having you on LJ for this short time. but HECK I'LL SEE YOU THIS WEEKEND!


wilworkfomofood December 13 2005, 18:31:47 UTC
hahaha u guys are sad! geeze get a grip! its not that big a deal i didnt die! u can always email me ;) haha i love u guys! ur all great friends! well i just got on this once for the heck of it but anyways cya later!


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