Fic Wishlist Meme

Oct 13, 2008 00:43

I felt like doing this.

Have you ever just wanted to write someone something, but have no idea of what they would like? Maybe you want to surprise them, and asking them for a request would take the fun out of it. Even better, you could have all of your favorite fic ideas out there so when you're having a bad day, your friends could just pick from the list and brighten it up.

List 1 - 15 pairings/prompts that you have been dying to read. Maybe it's a really rare pairing or something you've requested on any of the past smut memes which haven't been fulfilled. When you see this posted on your friends' journals, you may do one of the following:

- Write it.
- Link to one that's already been written, whether by you or someone else.
- Nothing, but karma will get you. >_>

There are no length or rating limits unless stated otherwise, and prompts may be duplicated (PLEASE). Be specific in your prompts particularly in reference to preferred smut content, seme/uke order, and any other requirements that may hinder your appreciation of the fic.

- Smut is not required (except #2), and I don't think many of these even would lead to over PG-13/R things. I'm not stopping you from writing it though unless stated so ;]
- No Ryoshige. Makes me feel ill.
- No girly!Jae for DBSK.
- I'm not crazy about KAT-TUN but usually I can tolerate them

[case 1] RyoTego (oh, come on, at least PRETEND you're surprised!) where Ryo finds out that Tegoshi has a pretty girl as his partner when working on a presentation for the university. Jealousy Osaka-style, anyone?

[case 2] Where Tego ties Ryo up (Literally!). Fine, I just want Tego to top.

[case 3] Halloween-fic, where three JE-boys of your choice go for "Trick or Treat" and they:
#1 scare the hell out of some innocent children, but not because of their looks
#2 somehow against all odds manage to escape from three scary fangirls dressed as vampires
#3 end up in the police station and spend the night in jail because their "one allowed phonecall" to a friend doesn't work out.

[case 4] MBMH. Makio/Jun where Jun is just in the wrong place at the wrong time and gets taken a hostage by a rival gang.

[case 5a] NEWS go camping. Kyaa. Plus points for knowing what I want ;] But really, anything goes.
[case 5b] DBSK go camping.

[case 6] TOKIO abduct Tegoshi from the ItteQ-studio and take him out for the night.

[case 7] The one where Kanjani8 adore Tegoshi (because it seems that the group is head over heels for the kid ♥)

[case 8] RyoTegoPi. Yamapi has a fight with Jin and comes over to Ryo's. Except that.. Tegoshi is there. No porn, thank you.

[case 9] Where Tackey (tries to!) hosts a radio show, but keeps getting calls from his kouhais from Arashi to NEWS to Kanjani to KAT-TUN, and the topics aren't exactly safe to be O.A.
It's cause I want to read how everyone loves Tackey because he's the best senpai ever and because I want to read funny nicetry!cover-ups for the stories :]

[case 10] JaeHo, where we discover (like, the BIG surprise!) that the oh-so-manly leader isn't so manly at all behind the scenes. And that he gets his strength from a certain lead singer with a big heart and a strong will.

[case 11] Where (-insert a senpai-group here-) plays pranks on (-insert a kouhai-group here-). Sadistic should not be a foreign word here ;]
Never underestimate the senpai-power!

[case 12] anything involving at least two members of V6 and a coffee machine. I'm easy to please.

[case 13] Five times Nakai completely owns his kouhais.

..what you mean I am biased? Huh. Only 7 of 13 have Tego mentioned ;]

Other people's lists:
peroxidepest17 's wishlist (who I took this from, because Anita & Jen made me)
agirlcalledkil 's wishlist (with a lot of links at the bottom so go wishlistshopping and get ideas)
And just for reference, if you have a wishlist and there's something you think I could scribble for you, reply in here with the link.
I don't promise a thing because my writing works (even!) less when forcing, but I'll see what I can do~~


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