Title: Reincarnation
Rating: PG
Genre: AU, angst, friendship
Pairing: Kyumin
Summary: What did you wish when someone whom you care for leaving you away?
Disclaimer: SM, you, and I love SJ pairings, right?
Warning: older Kyuhyun
A/N: written in Sungmin’s POV
allethia spot
fumikux3 ***
February 3rd
“Hello, Ahjusshi…”
I smiled. I tightened my grip on my rosemary.
“Happy birthday…”
My mind flew away, playing memories of you.
“As I promised, I will never forget your day.”
I put those flowers in front of your epitaph.
My fingers traced it, your name, which had been carved on the stone.
Cho Kyuhyun
I pulled my shivering hands.
“Do you miss me, Kyuhyun-ssi?”
I knew he couldn’t answer me,
but that was what I’m doing at the same date and the same place every year.
I put down another flower.
Pink carnation
I wiped away my tears.
I shouldn’t let you see any sadness in me.
I took my leave from his place, getting away from his sight.
A/N: You can say I’m back to Kyumin (finally) after I spazzed around Kyuhyuk & so on ~ As you see, a short prologue(?) & angsty. I’m thinking to make it into two or three parts (only) maybe. How do you think? Continue? Well, actually I’m still thinking if this title (Reincarnation) will fit through the whole story. /brick /stupid writer
Rosemary means remembrance.
Pink Carnation means always on my mind.
Ayy, thanks to wikipedia~ Feel free to comment, I would really love to read it. Enjoy ♥
Get well soon, uncle! ;)