fucking asshole piece of shit you have no right to talk to me like that so shut the fuck up. you tell me to grow up and be an adult well damn it i'm fucking trying! if you would just stop fucking yelling at me for two seconds and open up those two holes in the side of your fucking head maybe you would realize that i'm not a fucking loser and i'm not weak just for trying to get help. i can't do things on my own sometimes, but you know what it's the fucking human condition! we live life by being knocked down and struggling to get back up when the assholes on the side say 'oh you can always ask for help' then shoot you down for not being independent.
well you know what. i'm fucking tired. and i'm done forgiving you. if you were even half the man you were supposed to be and believed in a quarter of what you say you fucking hypocrite then maybe it wouldn't have felt like a brick wall on my shoulders and i would have succeeded, but as it is i can't change the past and i'm trying desperately to change my future so JUST FUCK OFF! and you wonder why you have one daughter who never talks to you and a son who moved to the other side of the country and another daughter who wants to make a career overseas.
fucking idiot.