Whoot - Joya is evil!! She's got me thinking of Harry potter / Supernatural Crack!fic's! So i have a few plot bunnies going through my head -___-'' Here is my favourite, Forgive me!
(Sam, Dean, Harry and Ron in a motel, dean standing in the Kitchen, Harry, Ron & Sam lounging on the chairs)
Dean: how do you know if the light goes out when you close the fridge door?
Sam: WTF? o___________O;;
Dean: yeah, the Fridge door *opens and closes repeatedly trying to catch the lightbulb in the act*
Sam: Drill a hole in the Door - so you can tell when it goes off.
Dean: Haven't got a Drill. *depressed* *Idea* Hey! Gimme your mobile.
Sam: *puzzled* okaay...
Dean: *Presses buttons, then puts Phone in fridge*
Sam: WTFx2!?!? What the hell are you doing?
Dean: I put your mobile in the fridge and put the camara on and recorded it *feels satisfied*
Sam: -_______-;;
Ron: what's a "Fridge"?!
Harry: O__o!!