PERCEPTION is based around the premise of the CBS' television series Big Brother. A group of contestants will work with, and against each other to become the last person standing through a variety of challenges performed on their webcams that will determine their safety within the game - challenges are seperated into two different classes.
King of the Hill (KotH) - KotH is similiar to Big Brother's HoH (Head of Household), they have the ability to nominate two (or more dependant on the week) players for elimination. Additional powers allows him/her to prevent one person from competing next week however the outgoing KotH is eligible (that particular rule is used until final five) additionally, like HoH, the KotH decides who leaves within a tie-break.
Salvation - Similar to Big Brother's PoV (Power of Veto), Salvation challenges only happen between that week's KotH & the nominated players - meaning no interference by players not affected by the nominations.
If the KotH wins Salvation, their nominations become secured. The two they nominated face the vote.
If one of the nominated players win Salvation, they automatically take themselves off the block and replace with a person of their choice (KotH doesn't decide their replacement)
Evictions - All players not affected by the nominations all vote to evict one person from the game. If a tie-breaker occurs, KotH will vote in a tie-breaker situation.
Requirements - All players must have a fully operational webcam to play, they