In this case, I meant the html tags for inserting the usernames--there's a weird thing they did when they were making the LJ-specific codes, where the code for linking to a user has no hyphen (it's [lj user="hysteriachan"] or whatever, only with the html brackets), but the very similar code for an LJ-cut has one ([lj-cut] or [lj-cut text="whatever you want the link to say"] followed by [/lj-cut] after the text, also with html pointy brackets). So it's easy to misplace hyphens when typing a lot of them at once. ^^
(I don't know how much FAQ reading you've done, but "tags" also refers to the optional links on entries, which allows you to bring up all entries from a user's journal that share the tag. I use them quite a bit on this journal, and less so on hysteriachan-- here's my list, so you can see how it breaks down.)
Comments 3
(Yay LJ-acquisition!)
Other people you may want to check out: bosonator* is Josh, eldithia* is Alishya, fillingthewell* is my review journal, ginny_t is Ginny (and craftyginny* is her knitting journal), lanatha* is Mark, shaylafitz is Shayla, and te_non_sum is James.
* not all that active
Hope I didn't screw any tags up. 'cause this comment could get ugly fast. *laughs*
In this case, I meant the html tags for inserting the usernames--there's a weird thing they did when they were making the LJ-specific codes, where the code for linking to a user has no hyphen (it's [lj user="hysteriachan"] or whatever, only with the html brackets), but the very similar code for an LJ-cut has one ([lj-cut] or [lj-cut text="whatever you want the link to say"] followed by [/lj-cut] after the text, also with html pointy brackets). So it's easy to misplace hyphens when typing a lot of them at once. ^^
(I don't know how much FAQ reading you've done, but "tags" also refers to the optional links on entries, which allows you to bring up all entries from a user's journal that share the tag. I use them quite a bit on this journal, and less so on hysteriachan-- here's my list, so you can see how it breaks down.)
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