Now onto the about me shit...
I am finally no longer a Target slave. XD I miss Suncoast with a firey passion though. I'm single and don't really care if I ever get a boyfriend/girlfriend or not. I mean, it's nice to know someone would love you to the point where they want to spend the rest of their life with you and no one else, but I don't believe in "love at first sight". I believe too many kiddies out there mistake lust for love. And that's just begging to be hurt emotionally...mentally...whatever.
And I will go and say this now that I am a virgin
and fucking happy with me being that way.
Yes, it sucks watching you young couples slobber on your lovers face in public.
But I choose to ignore that or not to let it bother me.
So am I looking you ask? Why yes I am. XD
But I'm not looking for a "fuck" buddy so don't ask.
I speak a little Japanese, German, French, Spanish, Khmer (Cambodian)...babbling was my first language as a child, and then I learned English as everyone could understand me better.
To anyone that speaks any of these languages, I apologize in advance if I just completely basterdize your language. XD
More than anything, though, I'd just like to say if you an aspiring manga artist, painter, musician, actor, business manager, or whatever you want to do with your life.
For the love of all that is sharp and pointy I can not stress this enough:
Ignore the haters and keep doing what you do best and what you love to do!
Because in the end, the haters don't matter! They're not doing anything as spectacular as you are! No matter how insignificant you think it is, you really ARE making a difference.
I'm very open-minded, but also stubborn so be careful.
I love being around awesome people and absolutely hate being alone.
AndI will admit, I am slow.
Like if you try introducing a new band to me, it'll be a while before I actually listen to'em. XD Ask LennLenn or Nagi...they'll tell ya.