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TwiTards This almost makes me ashamed to read the book.
Don't get me wrong, I like the movie and I like the book; but you fuking little pre-adolesant females just lost about 10 years of maturity on this one.
You girls need to know what the word "fiction" means and realize that "your" Edward doesn't fuking exist.
You are NOT going to find a guy that will sparkle like Edward in sunlight.
You are NOT going to date a guy that's like a stone statue unless you go after like fukin' Michael Angelo's David.
I think in general the chicks discussed in each of those stories just need to die. I personally hope they all die virgins because if you're willing to do bodily harm to someone just because of their opinion, then you don't deserve to fall in love.
Everyone deserves somebody, but not these chicks 'cuz you're just fuking retarded and you will be scarred with that memory for the rest of you lives and I hope you're fuking proud of the bullshit you've done.
That is all.