//series one - basics //
Birthdate: june 29
Birthplace: Fremont
Current Location: L town
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: which 1 i have like 3 lol
Righty or Lefty: righty.
Zodiac Sign: cancer
Innie or Outtie: innie.
// series two - describe //
Your heritage: Mambo Italiano
The shoes you wore today: my playboy shoezys
Your eyes: round?
Your weakness: great personalitys = >
Your fears: spideys yikes!!
Your perfect pizza: peperoni..PIZZA PIZZA hut
// series three - what is //
Your most overused phrase on aol\aim: any big word .. or "pengy"
Your thoughts first waking up: hello ...:pause:. ahh
The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: body or personality
The best Name for a Butler: MARIA!
Your best physical features: my small hands? lol i dont no
Your bedtime: when im tired so 1
Your greatest fearbeing left alone w/ no friends ..kinda like some1 i no
Your greatest accomplishment: going to jamz nationals and winning 2 out of 4 times
Your most missed memory: me n kelseys wild weekend fun lol
// series four - you prefer //
Pepsi or coke: docta peppa
McDonald's or Burger King: burger king i guess
Single or group dates: group more excitement
Adidas or Nike: none
Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla style
Cappuccino or coffee: none i like fraps?
// series five - do you //
Cuss: fuck shit .. um sometimes not areound sue
Sing well: um in the shower?
Take a shower everyday: yepers
Want to go to college: beauty school?\
Liked high school: so far so good
Type with your fingers on the right keys i type w/ uno hands so nope
Believe in yourself: depends
Get motion sickness: on airplanes yes
Think you're attractive: when i want to be
Get along with your parents: "have fun in jail" .. hmm let me think .. NO!
Like thunderstorms: yes esp in KANSAS its pretty
Play an instrument: negative .. i use to play claranet
// series six - in the past month, did/have you //
Drank alcohol: nope .. i want to but i wont
Smoke(d): neg
Done a drug: neg
Go to the mall: yea what an experiance lol
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: i dont like orehoes
Eaten sushi: no way
Been on stage: yea i guess you can say i have
Been dumped: nope
Gone skating: uhh no
Made homemade cookies: no but mandas mommy made us some!! YUMMY!
Gone skinny dipping: no but i would
Dyed your hair: probably
Stolen anything: no i wouldnt ever id get cought 4 ser
// series seven - have you ever //
Played a game that required removal of clothing?: negative ..
If so, was it mixed company hm
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: i wish
Been caught "doing something": nope ..i hahavnt been cought "doing something" lol
Been called a tease: yes all theFRIGGEN TIME
Changed who you were to fit in: no way i would never if they dont like that im annoying an stupid fook you!!
Current Clothes: umm hmmm none i just got outa the shower
Current Mood: tired
Current Taste: Togos!
Current Hair: wet ...
Current Annoyance: my brother and a girl startiing w/ N
Current Smell: vanilla
Current Book something about pants lol i dont no hat its calkled
Current DVD In Player: hmmm texas chainsaw masacre
Current Refreshment: docta peppa
Current Worry: that my mom is going to be mad at me when she finds i didnt clean my chinchilla cage lol
Current Crush: umm your dumb if you dont no ..
Current Favorite Celebrity: brad from REAL WORLD so hawt lol