[request post]

Mar 06, 2013 15:59

stole this from bollywoodrecord (not really, because how can you steal a request post?)
because i haven't finished any of my large projects in ages, i thought it was time for a request post* (apparently i find it easier to write when prompted by someone else). just leave a comment below with a fandom, pairing and prompt :)

this post will stay open until i say it's closed.
now, i don't want to limit myself by saying: i only write this or that, so fandoms and pairings are completely up to you. and yes, i'm willing to write fandoms i haven't written before. just in case you decide to go with a fandom i've never heard of, i'll post a list of my favorite fandoms and pairings below.

the fandoms

b1a4  ;  b.a.p  ;  beast  ;  block b  ;  btob  ;  chaos  ;  cnblue  ;  dalmatian/dmtn  ;  exo  ;  fcuz  ;  ftisland  ; infinite  ;  ledapple  ;  teen top  ;  ukiss  ;  vixx  ;  ze:a.

pairings i'm definitely willing to write
(band name/band name means any member/any member)

jinyoung/cnu ;  baro/sandeul  ;  cnu/sandeul  ;  yongguk/himchan ;  youngjae/zelo  ;  doojoon/junhyung  ;  doojoon/dongwoon  ;  jaehyo/minhyuk  ;  taeil/p.o  ;  changsub/hyunsik  ;  peniel/sungjae  ;  minhyuk/hyunsik ;  heejae/taeyang  ;  yonghwa/jonghyun(/seohyun) ;  dongrim/simon  ;  dongrim/jeesu  ;  exo/exo  ;  jinon/yejun  ;  jinon/raehyun  ;  jaejin/seunghyun  ;  infinite/infinite  ;  infinite/jungwook  ;  hanbyul/kyumin  ;  ledapple/ledapple  ;  teen top/teen top  ;  soohyun/hoon ;  soohyun/kiseop ;  n/leo  ;  leo/ken ;  hongbin/ravi  ;  ze:a/ze:a.

(but i also ship a lot of het!pairings and other random pairings - just leave a comment if you want something else and we'll see what i can do with them)

*of course i don't know what is going to happen, but this will most likely not turn into some bigass project where everything is over 1k. so don't be disappointed? and you can request more than one thing, i don't mind :) also, requests might take a while to be written, but i'll finish it one way or another.

form form form / use this or i'll get mad. jk.

so. request if you want?

- awkward bunny ♥.


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