drabble time.

Sep 19, 2012 16:26

Suggest a pairing (gen is fine too) & prompt and I'll do my best to write you something short. All comments are screened (until filled, of course), and I make no promises. ♥

fills )

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one_if_by_land September 20 2012, 00:56:52 UTC
that moment when sehun realizes that he and lu han aren't a termination ship :'(


windowright October 11 2012, 15:32:48 UTC
i'll die for you (it's nothing)

EXO gets six years, five minis, two studio albums, one Japanese album ironically named simply "ONE", one and a half lukewarm reunion tours, one goodbye concert, and then the slow, steady burnout of a monstrous machine with too many moving parts to really die. From the mess of the last days, Sehun remembers: the fans buying them each cakes with fondant models of themselves, which Kyungsoo tries to eat and accidentally spits all over Baekhyun; Jongin and Yixing crying during their final performance of "Two Moons"; Kris carrying Junmyeon bridal-style across the stage in awkward, stupefied silence during their final private party with fans; Chanyeol almost breaking his back the one and final time they actually let Tao teach wushu during an interview and him muttering under his breath so the mics wouldn't pick it up, "not that it would matter now"; the smell of the samgyeopsal smoke in Minseok's thin hair during their last team dinner; Jongdae bowing so low to his fanclub that he's dizzy when he ( ... )


windowright October 11 2012, 15:36:47 UTC

What are you going to do now? Sehun's mother asks every time she calls. Finish college? Find a job? What do you want?

wat r u doing? Jongin texts him occasionally , at 2AM when he's out drinking with friends and Sehun is pointedly ignoring his slurred voicemails telling Sehun to join them. get off ur ass n stop dickin around

The best thing about S.M.'s legacy, Lee Soo-man had said when he spoke to them last as a group, is that it'll always open doors to opportunities.

Sehun has opportunities. Chanyeol and Sehun did a very successful photoshoot for the Hundreds last season and Sehun still has business cards from three different modeling agencies somewhere in his wallet. Jongin offers to look into his connections. Junmyeon always leaves messages about casting calls for minor drama roles in Sehun's build. Kyungsoo sends half-hearted emails with names of people who want dance instructors for the children they're trying to breed into SM trainees. Sehun types out what if im stuck over and over again and deletes it every time. But ( ... )


windowright October 11 2012, 15:38:25 UTC
In an interview after his first drama role, Junmyeon was asked if he missed being in EXO-K. "Every day," he'd said, and even reading the inchoate text Sehun could imagine how Junmyeon delivered it: eyes wet and pleading, mouth torn between a frown and a smile, so earnest it felt like a lie. "But to me it's not a sad thing," Junmyeon had continued. "It's a happy foundation that will always be there in me, in my heart, and I build on it."

It used to be that houses were built on dirt trampled until it was firm and even. Six years is a lot of trampling; millions of fans is a lot of trampling; twelve people is a lot of trampling. Sehun's foundation is flat and firm. He could start building, any day. But sometimes he dreams that he is the dirt, or that he's trapped under it. That someone -- Lu Han -- is walking over, away, past him, and no matter how loud he calls out, he can't be heard. Turn back was one of the first lines Sehun had learned as part of EXO. This should mean something, but Sehun doesn't know what ( ... )


one_if_by_land October 11 2012, 16:16:06 UTC
ok IT IS MY FAULT because I know I was basically asking for disbandment fic but you really didn't pull back any punches. ;~; Reading your writing always feels like waiting for the other shoe the drop, like the more I descend the more I know it's going to hurt but I CAN'T STOP; HOW CAN ANYONE STOP. I love that even as Sehun tries to acknowledge that idol life & six years will change anyone and that neither he nor Lu Han can be the same coming out the other end, he still can't help but reminiscence about the last lingering moments, the memories of living together, sharing the same air, the same dreams, the time when they still faced the same direction. How Sehun tries to reject the future by ignoring opportunities and everyone else's suggestions, how he refuses to move on, still in transition between being an ex-idol and being a re-human and after years of living with another teenage boy merely feet away. Ahhh, and it's so heart-breaking when he keeps trying to re-tell the story and comes up empty-handed each other ( ... )


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