All U.S. Internet Providers will be policing downloads by July 12, 2012

Mar 18, 2012 18:12

Or, How RIAA Seduced Hollywood Into a Murder-Suicide Pact.

Originally posted by tahirire at All U.S. Internet Providers will be policing downloads by July 12, 2012
Originally posted by roguebitch at All U.S. Internet Providers will be policing downloads by July 12, 2012
Originally posted by nrrrdy_grrrl at All U.S. Internet Providers will be policing downloads by July 12, 2012
Originally posted by mangacat201

All U.S. Internet Providers will be policing downloads by July 12, 2012

"File-sharers, beware: By July 12, major US Internet service providers (ISPs) will voluntarily begin serving as copyright police for the entertainment industry, according to Cary Sherman, chief executive of the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA). The so-called “six-strikes” plan is said to be one of the most effective anti-piracy efforts ever established in the US."

The article goes on to give details. After six notices, internet providers will decide to throttle a person's internet speed, or cut it off altogether. I don't know if they will crack down on torrents only, or if it is up to the internet provider. I get the sense it is up to the internet provider. So some people could get away with downloading non torrents, while others might get their internet service cut off. I urge you to click it and read, as we all know people who download.

No more downloading eps of your favorite shows for vidding, gifs, or fanfiction art. No more downloading screencaps possibly. I'm so sorry my friends. I don't even know if BT Guard will work to protect you, but I would google it if I were you. It is a professional service that supposedly can protect you from the invasive eyes of your internet provider.

Just, my friends, please make each other aware. Please be aware of the date JULY 12TH. Mark your calendar and double check with your internet provider by then. If you start receiving notices of downloaded activity, this is why. And your internet service could be throttled or cut off.

Fox news confirms this:

Youtube video explaining this:

.... this is going to kill everything I love.

have a nice glass of go fuck yourself, remind me to kill you later, waitwhut?, this is like so important omj, there is not enough prozac in the world, *not amused*, ohmychuck!, stop! hammertime., i fear for humanity's future. thanks., and by 'evil' i mean 'stupid', stand back--she might asplode, who put lsd in my lemonade?, *hiding in the panic room*, *hates*, more ridiculous than aliens invading, does not want, snark is my anti-drug, brb gonna cut a bitch kthxbai, *runs screaming into a wall face first*, is that a thing? i'm making it a thing., pass the lube please, signal boost, winged bears? it's the end times!, *facepalm*, *bleepitybleepbleep*, there are evils in your cheerios!!! =o, where did i put my holy water?, exorcizamus te omnis immundus spiritus o, for narnia! ... i mean... camelot!, today would be much easier if i drank, i'm sort of freaking out, *iz confused*, fandom - 0; rl - 1000000, brb stocking the panic room with ammo, one of those days i get all: killey, invasion of the flopping dickweasels, *headdesk*, no srsly wtf are you doing guys?, *cries*, i can haz explanashun?, plotting against the neighbors--again, srslywtf?, some days i miss the open ocean, this is not my joking face, don't make me get the whump stick, just when you think it's safe..., one of those days i get all: weepy, our doom is at hand!, *hotch!face*, that's gonna leave a mark, ranty rant, what is this i don't even, you wouldn't like me when i'm angry, karmic puppies 4 sale, *watching the skies*, fuck you very much, some people's kids

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