(no subject)

Oct 30, 2005 19:59

Mystery bus this weekend! We sat on a bus for 12 hours and went around town from 8pm to 8am. It wasn't bad, although I think the trip was too long. Most everyone fell asleep near the end so a little less than half the bus got off to check out the casino.

Awww, don't we look so.... fobby?

Who is that? Could it be the famous Walter everyone is hearing about?

Me and xine.

Masa-ers went for a bonfire at around 2am.

Jen enjoys her marshmallow

Showing some love. (Kelvin and mike)

Walter looks rather shocked by the gayness in the picture above. You haven't seen anything yet, walt! Check out THIS picture.

I'm rather disturbed by the fact that that is my bed they are on.

But then I opened up this baby and all was well.

So that's college for you. We don't do much but go out, eat, and sleep.

Okay... maybe we game too

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