Why, hello, neglected LiveJournal. I missed you. What, you're mad at me? Well, maybe if you stopped being lame and three-iconish, I'd update you more often. No, please, do not ask me where I was, LiveJournal, the events are still too close for me to discuss. :D
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Comments 19
The movie? Yes I've seen it and like it. Only now when I watch it it makes me sad because you can see the potential that River Phoenix had to be something big and he threw it all away.
Anyhoo, DAVID SEDARIS RULES ME OMG. And you should either read Naked or Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim. Definitely. And as I've not read all of Dress, I'm going to have to run with Naked. But you def. need to read them all. Did you get that reading he did on NPR of his "Santaland Diaries"? OMG if you think his words are funny, you should hear him READ his words. Hilarious. He has the wee-est, gay-est little voice. It's fab. If you need it, I think I might be able to hook you up :->
It's no longer your birthday... how sad... but I hope you had a grand day full of confetti bombs and QAF.
And thank you, I had oodles of fun. :D
Im also convinced the secret to QaF is a massive suspension of disbelief, and binge watching the eps so you don't get enough time to question the plot. Of course, it also highlights sudden character shifts, so...
What kind of stuff do you like to read? Mainstream lit, genre (sf/f, mystery, westerns, romance, etc), angst, or comedy?
Um. Huh. I'm trying to read a bunch of the classics this summer. I like some fantasy, but only if it's very well-done. And comedic personal narrative books seem to be what I'm going to be getting a lot of on my next trip to a bookstore, so if you have any suggestions there, that'd be great.
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