So like. Where was the Nathan? My obsession with the Petrelli brothers grows by the minute, especially when I'm aching to see how the writers plan to reunite them. However, Peter with no shirt on makes me happy, and Peter apparently having more control of his powers when he's not an emo kid is super fun. Towards Caitlin, I feel only apathy. I kinda hope she dies soon, so there can be Peter angst and brotherly comfort. I'm so totally going to hell. Also, Peter... OPEN THE BOX, DANG IT. I can only take a certain amount of bad Irish accents and lame plot twisting before I start missing the Petrellicest.
Hiro plus David Anders plus Yaeko is super cute. Lots of people dislike West, but I kinda think he's an okay kid, if totally incapable of wooing girls aside from picking them up and flying them away into the great unknown. Maya and Alejandro need to get more interesting really quick, 'cause there's only so much angst re: killing that I can take before I too wish to kill others by crying viruses.
I feel like this episode didn't advance the plot any, besides getting Mohinder further into the Company (dude, Mohinder and Matt are so ridiculously married, I don't even need to prove it. Too bad I find neither of them attractive) and making everyone really frustrated that Peter didn't open his stupid box. I want to know who's killing off old generation Heroes, and I want to know what their powers were. Am betting that Angela Petrelli's power is seeing the future in dreams or something, because we never really saw how Peter is clairvoyant in his dreams, besides sort of assuming that he absorbed it from Isaac. But Isaac's power was clairvoyance through painting (which to me seems like it would take more effort and the art would be more up to interpretation) whereas when Peter was dreaming or having visions or whatever, they didn't always have to do with paintings at all. Plus, Angela mentioned having known about certain things last season a long time in advance.
Anyway, that's enough musing for now.
Note to self: You are really busy this week. Do not write Petrellicest fanfic.