Mr. Windup, thanks for checking out my blog and thanks for the kind words about my stuff. I like your illustrations. I'd like to see some more stuff from you. My brother and sister-in-law live in Rochester and my wife and I frequently visit. We're fans of the Farmer's Market there. Ever go to Wonderland comics in Penfield? I check it out every time I'm in Ra-cha-cha. It's great chatting with other art lovers. It really inspires and motivates. Keep drawing!
Thanks for the comment!windupguyMarch 23 2011, 11:28:42 UTC
Just getting started on this blog stuff, so it's great to get a comment once in awhile! I plan on posting a lot more stuff, and hopefully will have time to start doing more personal work again. Haven't been to a comic shop in a long time, but when I did go it was usually to Comics, Etc. in Village Gate. Ironically, I now work just up the street from Wonderland.
I should be posting more work in a couple of weeks... after taxes and a freelance job. Check back!
Comments 2
I should be posting more work in a couple of weeks... after taxes and a freelance job. Check back!
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