So my dear friend Mae and I were on the losing side of an AU week vote, but we already had this thread in mind, so we're going to go ahead and play it out here~
So please, if you aren't her, don't comment.
She is her own woman, first, last, and always. )
Comments 22
Damn it all. Today really wasn't her day. She was in enough trouble with Alex just for the cock-up last week--even though it wasn't her fault, she told Yelena not to go for that mark--and she would be in deep shit if she got pinched.
Making a sharp turn, Natalya darted down Budapest Avenue. If she could get out of sight, just for a second, she could dump the hat and coat. And then escape was all but guaranteed. Someone chasing a fleeing, grubby boy wouldn't look twice at a girl in a pale green top walking the other way.
She put on another burst of speed. She just needed to get out of sight. Just for a moment. Then she'd be safe.
He put on an extra burst of speed and managed just barely catch the end of the thief's coat and he pulled back with more force than probably necessary, driving the other off balance. His anger and anxiety getting the better of him.
Still, the situation wasn't completely without hope. She managed to twist as she was pulled toward the boy, using the movement to add force to a blind punch. She couldn't help a grin as she felt it connect with the boy's face; she hoped she got his eye. He deserved it.
Another twist added to a wriggle had her mostly out of her coat. One arm was still in the sleeve, and she found herself torn. Yes, she could yank that arm free and run. But winter was here, and she was realistic about her chances of surviving for long if she relinquished the garment. Stashing it for later was one thing; losing one of her only barriers to the elements was entirely another.
So instead she fisted her hand around the cloth and pulled, hoping to slip it out of the boy's grasp.
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