As we prepare for war, we must take in to account that our enemy may be as bold as we are... But don't let that stand in the way of achievement, don't let it stand in the way of the glory of battle, and most of all, don't let it stand in the way of victory...
As we prepare to fire upon their ship...
That looks like it's going to hurt... Them.
Reload. Fire for effect!
Now board their ship... Destroy all life on their ship.
What? Who does that girl think she is, boarding our ship and attacking the WarLord?
Swimmers in the water. I had to zap them all... 'Twas fun!
Me doing that spell-reading thing:
Me with my hood up:
The great General Tykosis:
Most pictures courtesy of the lovely Ashley Gardener.
Yes, yes, it's all very nerdy, but I felt like posting them anyway.