Uh spoliers?
Spade has SPROUTED a MOUTH on his waist and EYES on his knees. Not that surprising since it was kind of shown in the past chapters. Though I LOVE Tsuna's and Enma's reactions on this - so cute! (TSUNA~! <3)
What amuses me most is Hibari actually said something like 'Wao' with a music note in his dialogue bubble when he saw Spade's form 8D; ((Of course, he meant it in terms of 'Wow' to see a powerful guy he can bite to death XD;)) I think he's saying 'wao' as he normally would in Japanese. Hearing him say 'awesome' or 'great' instead of 'Wao' sounds odd XD;
It also appears Spade is able to make a copy of Hibari's current weapons (nevermind the Shimon family's rings he took from the prisoners - minus Enma's one yeah, now I know why the Vendice said they won't give Enma back his family - they obviously can't return them without the rings XD)
If we relate back to the anime, Spade had made himself as copies of the current Vongola guardians, I suppose it's not that surprising either?
Mukuro as Mukurowl looks so cute that you really find him less imitating (Though he can sure peck hard as demonstrated on Chrome har har 8D;)
Poor Yama & Goku & Julie (And Lambo though he's not shown) got sent to somewhere else, not much parts for them in future I guess?
I want next chapter already - Hibari FIGHT-O!!