A young man stands in his-- wait. There is no one here. Where did he go?
This bush seems suspicious.
>>Inspect bush.
Ah-ha! Here he is! What a little rascal, trying to hide like that.
Hiding from mysterious forces is usually a good thing, but there is no time to be like that right now!
Instead, this young man has a birthday to celebrate!
Yes, indeed, for today is this young man's birthday. Or, presumably it is. He was definitely born sometime in the spring, and this day, right in the middle of that season, seems as good a day as any to celebrate his ascension to another year of life.
What will the name of this young man be?
>>Enter name.
Ah, yes, that was his name. It's just a little bit rebellious, forgoing previously established naming schemes for this species.
But that's okay, that's just the type of guy we're dealing with here: rebellious. And maybe a little bit volatile.
Your name is NIKOLAI NINJA.
As was mentioned previously, you're a bit of a REBEL, and you often have the SUSPICIOUS FEELING that maybe you should be SOMEWHERE ELSE, but you'd be damned if you knew where. Possibly among the fabled NINJA, which you look up to RESPECTFULLY as evidenced, or possibly prophesied, by your name. You are INORDINATELY FOND of KNIVES, to an almost WORRYSOME degree. Otherwise, you are slightly STAND-OFF-ISH, and often feel like you are merely TOLERATING THE PRESENCE OF OTHERS.
Your trolltag is NauticalNights and you tark iN aN emotioNress way remiNisceNt of the regeNdary NiNja of yore.
What will you do?
>>Niko: Check out sweet ninja gear.
Yes, this gear is quite sweet. That's the word that means awesome, right?
>>Niko: Equip Ninja Knives to your Strife Specibus.
Well, alright. You were planning on staying indoors, though, so you aren't expecting much trouble. But it never hurts to stay safe, you suppose.
>>Niko: Go check on Lusus.
What? Why? That stupid bug is fine. You don't need to check on him. In fact, screw him. It's your birthday. The best present he could give to you on this special day is to not be seen at all.
You vow to do your best to avoid any encounters with that bug throughout the rest of the day, and to never speak of it again.
Who's this beefcake?
Douchebag. You meant douchebag.
>>Niko: Check in on Trollian.
Oh, it's just Calder. He's a weird one. Unlike most trolls of his low-blooded status, he always seems to know more than he probably should. You often wonder if you should be more worried about how he gets such information than you are.
Might as well see what he wants. It's probably money.
>>Niko: Converse with the pre-named one.
[show pesterlog]
-- CoinPirate [CP] began pestering NauticalNights [NN] at TIME --
CP: h€yyy niko!!!! |:D
CP: ¢an i borrow some money?!!!
NN: HaveNt I arready poritery requested for you to Not use that horrid NickName?
NN: ANd No.
CP: whaaaat??? you ju$t say no, without even knowing what i was asking for?!
NN: You waNted moNey. You eveN tord me so.
CP: what no
CP: i m€an,, yes, but!!!
CP: what wa$ i gonna uuuuse it for?! ¢ouldnt you show a little bit of curiosity?
NN: FiNe. I sharr pray arong.
NN: What do you waNt the moNey for, Carder?
CP: whoa
CP: wait,,
CP: did you $eriously just call me carder?!?! |:O
NN: Yes.
CP: its CALDER!!!! |XD
CP: how do ¥ou get that wrong?!
NN: I doNt see aNything wrong.
CP: l and r ar€ 2 different letters, niko!!
NN: Of course they are. One is just iNhereNtly better thaN the other.
CP: oh bloody $hit youre right!! |:O
CP: b¥ which i mean
CP: youre wrong!!!!!!
CP: now say it with m€:
CP: calder
NN: Carder.
CP: |:C
CP: niko
CP: ¥ou need to work with me here
CP: calder
NN: Carder.
CP: callllllllder
NN: Carrrrrrrrder.
CP: llllllll
NN: rrrrrrrr
CP: llllllll!!!!
NN: rrrrrrrr!\!
CP: arrgh!!!! it$ really, not that hard, niko!!!! |:/
NN: Arright arright.
NN: I do have that retter on my keyboard.
NN: So as roathe as I am to do this
NN: I'rr carr you Calder from Now oN.
CP: |:D