i want to vomit...

Aug 01, 2007 21:32

But first I want to go hurt someone...

I have absolutely no words for the rage I'm feeling.

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Comments 12

spokenonlyonce August 2 2007, 03:14:26 UTC
ew ew ew ew EWWWW!!

I'm so glad he's not in my neigbhorhood anymore... but I wouldn't wish him on anyone :( ugh.

Okay, so his fantasy is "legal." But aren't these sites helping OTHER pedophiles do illegal things? Gross :( I'm disgusted.


wings_unfurling August 2 2007, 03:18:59 UTC
But aren't these sites helping OTHER pedophiles do illegal things?

That's why I'm so enraged. Okay, he's nt doing the molesting himself. Fine. BUT WHAT ABOUT THE PEOPLE WHO GO TO HIS SITE AND FIND OUT WHERE TO GO SO THEY CAN SPECIFICALLY GO THERE AND MOLEST KIDS???


phebes_legacy August 2 2007, 11:24:05 UTC
So, are they waiting for him to go out and break the law? I don't have the answer to the problem, but it sure is scary that such a problem even exists.


wings_unfurling August 2 2007, 18:14:37 UTC
It's a terrifying thought... =(


panch0villa August 2 2007, 17:23:09 UTC
The answer to this problem and the problem of pedophiles in general is lock them up and throw away the key, or hand them over to the general public for punishment. It's a proven fact that 95% of sex offenders will re-offend within 5 years of their release. So, is it worth the lives that are ruined to release sex offenders, just because 5% of them won't offend again? I don't think so. Personally, I think that vigilante justice is a very viable option. *evil smile*


wings_unfurling August 2 2007, 18:14:16 UTC
I agree totally with your comment. *evil smile back*


panch0villa August 2 2007, 23:29:36 UTC
But my sense of vigilante justice doesn't just end there. You're talking to a guy who believes that a sniper should start taking out socialites like Lindsey Lohan and Paris Hilton, and then send a letter to the LA Times saying that these bitches need to realize that there are consequences for their irresponsible acts.

I believe that some people need to enforce "some" social conformity. I believe that guys that beat their wives, girlfriends, or children should be taken out in the middle of the night and beaten. If they continue to abuse their wives, girlfriends, or children then they just need to "disappear". Guys that don't support their families or children should get one "warning". Then they should be taken out in the same manner and beaten, with more severe punishment if they fail to conform.

A little extreme? Maybe, but when a social system fails, then a revolution is needed.


wings_unfurling August 3 2007, 01:19:43 UTC
In other words I shouldn't introduce you to my ex? *maniacal cackle*


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