Application for Asgard

Nov 28, 2000 15:08

OOC Information;
Name; Ami
Personal Journal; amiasha
Contact; Email: | AIM: FluffyTemptress | Plurk: amiasha
Other Characters; None

IC Information;
Character Name; Castiel
Canon; Supernatural | The Supernatural Wiki linked to Castiel's page for ease.
Canon Point; Season seven, episode one, "Meet The New Boss." He'll be taken from very near the end, after he gives up the souls of Purgatory but before the Leviathan take over. (I'm assuming that this will be fine, and that the Leviathan that are dormantly possessing him with just don't come with him into game. If not, let me know! I'll change canonpoints or work something out.)
Age; No canon age at all, and he's an angel, so he's stupidly old. Basing on timelines given and implications made in the series, I put him around 800 million years old. Physically, his vessel is mid-thirties.

House; Heimdall
Power; Damage Drain

Personality; Castiel is an angel of the Lord; one of God's first children and a soldier of Heaven. Originally a perfect example of a warrior of God, Castiel is now extremely strange and unusual, having been an angel, a human, and the equivalent of a god himself.

Castiel is quiet and reserved, and extremely intense. He rarely acts without thinking through the consequences, and is very analytical and logical in decision making. Though he sometimes has difficulty connecting on an individual level and tends to focus on simple logistics instead of any sort of emotional reaction, he can and does bond with certain individuals, and when he does he will put them first and foremost in everything. His motivations are emotional in nature, even if he doesn't always realize it, but his decisions are very logical and methodical, and he looks clinically at a situation. He is very grand picture oriented, looking at the larger view at the expense of the smaller, willing to make sacrifices of some for the good of many even if he would rather make no sacrifices at all. He can be completely ruthless if the situation calls for it, as he often feels the ends justify the means.

Angels are discouraged, and at times punished, for showing too much emotion and so Castiel is for the most part very cold and stoic, at least outwardly. A different side emerges around those he cares for, particularly Dean, and it's clear that he does feel very deeply even when he doesn't show it. Extremely new to emotion, he doesn't always recognize what he's feeling and even less what others are, leading to confusion and sometimes frustration when interacting on a human level or when reading another's reactions proves difficult. He has little to no coping mechanisms with more destructive emotions, and anger, sadness, and fear are often mixed into one mess that he has no idea how to deal with. He can and does act drastically or self-destructively because of them.

He's intensely loyal, and when he throws his allegiance behind a person or cause he'll stick with it to the very end because he only invests himself when he deeply believes that it's the right thing to do. He will face down anything and everything to fight for who and what he cares about, even when it means certain death. Because he becomes so deeply devoted, any sort of betrayal is devastating to him, and he's been betrayed and stabbed in the back over and over again and his entire world view turned upside-down multiple times in short order. For these reasons, he's distrusting and cautious with most beings, very slow to accept that someone may not be a threat and even slower to open up to them.

Castiel usually says as little as possible, being direct and to the point, without bothering to elaborate on anything (and what he considers 'elaborating' is most peoples' 'basic necessary information'.) Dragging information out of him is like pulling teeth, and that's when he actually likes you. He is determined, focused, and exceptionally clever; sneaky and creative, he's talented at coming up with unusual solutions or plans for even the most difficult situation. He understands why and how things work and that helps him in figuring out how to get around or use a situation to his advantage. He breaks out of a ring of holy fire by a combination of telekinesis and throwing the demon Meg onto the flames as makeshift bridge, he banishes multiple angels inside their own base of operations by drawing a banishing sigil into his own chest with a boxcutter, makes a molotov cocktail out of holy oil in order to distract the archangel Michael, figures out how to get in and out of the Cage of Hell (which is supposedly impossible without the RIngs of the Horsemen), and along with Crowley successfully finds Purgatory, which has never been found before, in less than two years. He also manages a few more mundane but no less impressive feats for an angel, such as figuring out a cell phone in seemingly no time with no experience.

He's curious and interested in anything and everything, and he's jokingly referred to as 'the nerd angel' by Dean. He's has a wide array of knowledge, like any angel, but seems particularly talented with sigils and rituals, apparently having one for just about everything. Despite his, for the most part, lack of subtlety, he's very attuned to the specifics and meanings of words. He understands and carefully uses wording and semantics, choosing exactly what to say and why to say it that way. However, if not given enough time or when speaking out of stress or other emotions, he stumbles over words or cuts off sentences in the middle. He is a horrible liar as his tone of voice, posture, and expression all give him away immediately when he tries. He does have some success if he doesn't look at whoever he's lying to, but that in itself is a dead giveaway. Similarly, if he feels guilty or conflicted on a topic, he won't make eye contact; he's much better at lying by omission. He's begun to get the hang of sarcasm, colloquialisms, and slang, even if he's no where near a human level.

Castiel's fatal flaw is explicitly pointed out in the series as pride, the same as Lucifer, who Castiel shares many (canonly noted) parallels with. His confidence in helping stop the Apocalypse and being proven right in all the risks he took, then in being able to rescue Sam from the Cage that was though impossible to get into, feeds into this pride to the point where he becomes overconfident, and by the time he's in over his head he can't turn back. It's pride that leads him to make the terrible decisions that he does, and eventually selfdestruct almost literally.

Because of everything that has happened to him, and the horrible mistakes he's made, Castiel is at the moment extremely withdrawn and carries a great deal of guilt. He feels he has to make up for the things he's done, not just to his friends but in general, and is very depressed. He's also very unsure of his own judgement and mental state, having been completely insane for a few months, and he has a great deal to prove both to others and to himself. Once he finds a goal and people worth fighting for, he'll give everything he has to do so.


Castiel was, for most of his existence, deeply devoted to doing what his Father, God, would want done. He believed his Father loved and cared for the angels, the humans, the planet, and that He wanted what was best for them. For a long time, Castiel followed what he thought to be His orders, until it was revealed that God hadn't been making decisions for ages now, and it was instead ultimately Michael sending orders down the ranks. After rebelling, Castiel searched for God and, when the Winchester boys met the angel Joshua and learned God didn't believe any of the mess was His problem, it completely destroyed Castiel's faith. He felt abandoned and heartbroken over what seems like a very cold betrayal of everything he'd ever believed in, shocked that God seemed to simply not care that His children are fighting and dying because of the supposedly fated Apocalypse. His Father raised him once more from death after Castiel was killed by Lucifer, and Castiel's faith was restored, only to slowly dwindle once again under the pressure of the civil war, and eventually the loss of his friends. Castiel no longer believes his Father cares about any of them, human or angel or otherwise.

For a long time, Castiel almost exclusively dealt only with other angels, his family. After rescuing Dean's soul from Hell, his relationships with his siblings started to become tumultuous while the seals began to fall. His brother Uriel was revealed to have been working to release Lucifer and killing any angels that refused to join him, and it was the first of many major betrayals. Discovering he'd been lied to and that the angels were actually attempting to bring about the Apocalypse instead of preventing it was the next strike, then being dragged by to Heaven for reprogramming came directly afterward that. Later on even his sister Anna, who had been the first to encourage him to think for himself and make his own decisions, became a threat and an enemy.

He broke ties with his family and rebelled against Heaven to fight the coming of the Apocalypse on Earth with the Winchesters. When they won, he returned, only to be forced into another war, this time against the archangel Raphael. It lead him down a dangerous path, as desperation drove him to form an alliance with the demon Crowley, the King of Hell, in the search for Purgatory. As things became more and more dire, Castiel became more and more secretive, learning to lie and double-cross with the best of them, focused so entirely on his goal that he began to lose the very sense of morality that set him apart to begin with. Eventually, this path drives him insane, and he turns on his allies and friends.

In place of his angelic family and in the midst of everything, Castiel has grown very close to the Winchester brothers, and the boys' surrogate father Bobby. There's a deep connection between Castiel and Dean in particular, and Dean's well being and desires take priority to Castiel on all fronts. Castiel has a great admiration for Dean's concern and compassion for other beings, even if he doesn't always understand it, and it's in part Dean's insistence that all people are worth saving that prompted Castiel into deciding the Apocalypse truly had to be stopped, and kept him fighting even behind the scenes later. Dean is his focal point, over and over in almost every thing and every way.

That said, Castiel also cares a great deal about Sam, facing off with Anna and then Lucifer to protect him. Even when presented with an idea that would cost Sam's life but possibly avert the Apocalypse entirely, Castiel refused, simply because Sam is his friend. After Sam jumped into the Cage of Hell to seal away Lucifer, Castiel did something no angel had ever done before and went in after him; what he thought at first was a successful resurrection turned out a failure, as he hadn't managed to retrieve Sam's soul. He kept his part in this a secret, and after Sam's soul was found once again, Sam had to have a Wall put up in mind to protect him from the damage done to his soul. Later, when Castiel's plans about the civil war in Heaven and working with Crowley comes out, the Winchesters and Castiel end up on opposite sides, and Castiel demonstrates his prioritizing of the Winchester brothers by using Sam as a tool to stop the brothers from stopping him by breaking the Wall. He believes he'll be able to fix it, but never manages to do so.

Sam, however, proves their friendship and bond by praying to the mad-with-power Castiel, who the boys have begun to realize is in over his head and might still be their friend deep down. Castiel responds, having believed the ties were cut to the point where he wouldn't have been able to go back to them, even while he was slowly regaining his mind and realizing he was dying. Sam and Castiel have some sense of reconciliation at this point, even if there are many issues that remain; Dean, however, can't yet forgive Castiel for what he's done.

Network Sample;
[The video screen turns on to show a very bloody Castiel; his face, hands, and clothes are covered in it. He doesn't seem to be paying it any attention though, more focused on how to work the holographic screen and not quite realizing it's recording just yet. Finally he does notice and looks directly at it; his voice is steady but quiet and subdued, the main indication that he's not quite as composed as he seems.]

Those of us here have all just arrived, correct? Or are there others who have been here longer?

[He needs to figure out what's going on, more than just what a letter and some strange shapeless maid told him. With what had just happened...]

There is something I must be doing elsewhere. There must be a way to leave this place.

[Barring the possibility this is a dream, a hallucination... Or that he really did die. He's turned the possibilities over and over in his head, but he can't find out by just speculating.]

Does anyone here have more information than was given?

Log Sample;
Castiel awoke, suddenly, staring up at the grey ceiling.

He hadn't expected to wake up. He'd been dying, quickly, and he knew it; releasing the souls was to be his final act, a too late and not enough repentance. The spiritual shock of it combined with his weakened state should have been deadly, he was certain, and yet here he was.

It took a moment before he could push himself into a sitting position, exhausted and a little shaky but so much better than he had been before, the souls and the creatures no longer destroying him from inside out. He glanced around at the elaborate but colorless room, becoming more and more confused by the moment; where was he? This wasn't the laboratory, and it was nowhere the Winchesters might have taken him to recover. He'd never been anywhere like this before, and he recognized nothing.

He got to his feet unsteadily, looking around once more before stepping forward to try to figure out where he was and find a way to leave. Only he couldn't move, some sort of force compelling him to stop, and he was both confused and alarmed by it. Another attempt was similarly useless, and he tried to open his metaphysical wings and fly... And it didn't work. Nothing worked.

What was going on?

He tried once more to step out of the as of yet unnoticed circle, to no avail. Mind racing, he went over anything and everything that could trap an angel, but he could see nothing of the sort here. Maybe the sigils were hidden, maybe he could break them if he could find them; in the midst of his rapid assessment, suddenly there was movement from the corner of his eye and he whirled to face... Something. As it began to explain, he didn't get any more reassured, though he did calm a bit as it seemed there was no immediate danger. All he would have to do is figure out how to get out of this. He needed to get back to Dean, and Sam, and Bobby, and he needed to make things right, somehow. He had no time or patience for the issues of gods.

All the while, he purposefully ignored the voice in the back of his head that whispered that maybe it was pointless. Maybe he was dead after all.
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