Haha! You went to high school with a lot of kooky people. Like the girl who made the "I <3 Cock" purse. Remember that? I linked to it approximately 1000 Internet Ages ago and you asked if I knew her. I didn't, it was just a coincidence that I found something she made and you happened to know her.
Oh, right! And her sister had her own show on the DIY channel and the I <3 Cock chick was actually on it once. She looked sooo different, I guess growing up does that to people, which is weird because I feel like all I look is thicker, but otherwise unchanged. She had a rockabilly ponytail that John kept saying he hated. I thought it was better on her than her My Little Pony getup she used to sport back in the day!
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Oh, and he also came to graduation later on and outed himself.
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