Craigslist ticket-getting was a success! Only because it turned out to be Richard, Stephen's older brother. I love crazy coincidences. Now Esther and I are a go go for Gaga, I'm really excited! After ticket-getting and dropping Richard off at his parents' place I hung out at home for a few hours to unwind, then met Erin and her roommates at the
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Comments 4
I still have a lot to do (mostly a lot to write) before finals too, but afterward! We will hang out SO HARD. I keep getting distracted from papers by thinking of all the awesome things I want to do once I don't have papers to write anymore.
I'm totally supposed to be studying right now but here I am on the internets, uh oh. I'm in summer mode already. My last finals and papers are all due Wednesday, so I'm free by Thursday & we will hang out SO HARD.
I think I've been in summer mode since last summer. I'm so ready for it to be official.
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