ooc: Permissions

Aug 16, 2010 23:58

  • What species is your character?
  • Would other characters be able to sense your character's species?
  • Is there anything strange in your character's blood, DNA, etc that other characters might be able to sense?
Others might be able to sense a strange shadow about Gin.  That's his curse and it reeks of perversion and deformation of the body.  But other than that and the unique qualities he has from being an angel, there's nothing really abnormal.
  • What does your character's soul look like?
I imagine a normal soul with two wings sticking out of it.
  • Is it possible to read anything from your character's soul?
(I should really finish watching Soul Eater.)
Several things you could sense about Gin from his soul is that 1, he's very pure in essence and very kind, and 2, he's very, very powerful but unrefined.  It's like watching a molten piece of precious metal, not yet formed but with the potential to be something amazing.  
  • What color is your character's soul?
Probably a pearlescent blue.
  • Does your character have an ability that others might be able to sense?
He can heal and has a great wealth of power in lightning.
  • Is your character surrounded by something else that might somehow 'stick'?
Not particularly.  He might strangely smell of... human?  
  • Can your characters thoughts be read?
Generally, no.  Unless he's relaxed or drunk, he tends to have his guard up at all times.  It comes from having lived around an telepath/empath for x amount of years.  To be polite to him, Gin learned to permanently mask his thoughts.
  • Is it possible to communicate with your character through telepathy?
Yes, but Gin is more than likely to block out the intruder immediately unless it's an emergency.  He doesn't welcome anyone invading his thoughts.  His way of thinking is that if you have something to say, call his cell.
  • Is it possible to see what your character is doing through psychic powers?
  • Is it possible to sense your character's location somehow?
If you're attuned to him or that damned good at it, certainly.
  • Is it possible to sense your character's emotions?
I highly doubt you'll ever have to, since his expressions are pretty up there, but surprisingly, anyone who tries to actually glean his emotions will have a hard time of it.  Again, this is for the same reasons he hides his thoughts.
  • Does your character have any mental walls or defences up?
Yes.  Unless surprised, overpowered, relaxed or drunk, they're on 24/7.  Gin's willpower in this, however, is only slightly higher than average so anyone who really wants in and has a decent amount of power will eventually wear him down.
  • Can your character be mind-controlled?
With regards to the previous answer, once his defenses are broken, yes.
  • How do you feel about 4th wall breaking?
  • Is there something specific that you don't want anyone to know about your character?
Not overly.  Gin might hide his past, the fact that he's homesick and misses his family, but I am aaaaall up for that being outed. :'>
  • How do you feel about threadjacking?
Go for it.  The more chaos, the more fun there is. 
  • What about spamming your posts?
Hilarious spamming, go for it.  Twenty comments for a reaction is A-OK by me.  Nonsensical trolling, however, is not.
  • How about sudden action threads?
  • Can your character be imprisoned?
If there's ever a need for it, yes and easily.
  • Is it okay to approach you about hacking private threads? Alternatively, how technologically gifted is your character?
Go ahead.  Gin, however, isn't exactly technologically advanced.  He comes from a modern day Earth, so while he knows how to operate a computer and work a microwave without making something blow up, he can't exactly hack into someone else's computer.  He's pretty much average.
  • Has your character died before? Can other characters pick up on this?
No.  If he does die in the game however, it's perfectly fine for others to sense this.
  • Is it okay to kill your character, given the proper discussion/circumstances?
Certainly.  If we've discussed a plot and it works out on all ends, I'm fine with Gin being canon fodder.  ... I actually kind of encourage it because I'm a mean, mean person.
  • How do you feel about sexual intercourse?
Go wild. Gin is a whore and easy for one night stands. The only restriction is that he won't touch a woman. For reasons unknown (his step-sister,) women terrify him and he will never, ever be attracted to anyone with ovaries.
  • Can someone make things up about your character?
Wiiiiiithin reason. Like, if we had a date planned and there wasn't a lot of time to act it out or talk about it, you can take some liberties there. (IE: They got lunch at a pizza place and then saw a movie.) What is not okay is saying Gin kept inappropriately touching your character for whatever reasons. (Trolling or seducing.) While that's in character for him, I still think it'd be better to talk that kind of stuff out.

permissions, gargleblasted, ooc

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