This is one of Stormy's favorite new places to sit...
The recycle bin is Stormy's new place to sit. I don't know why. There's no cat food cans in there (the cat food cans go in the trash and they're apparently removed and recycled at the Resource Recovery Plant.)
Cute, huh? At least until she jumps off with enough force to knock both the recycle bin and the trash can over, scattering Coke cans and trash all over the kitchen floor.
Bonus photo: one of these things is not like the others.
Cute, huh? At least until she start chewing on the power cords to the overhead lamps (the white cords in the photo.)
Stormy is lucky she's adorable.
This is the most I could get of Stormy chasing her tail in the box the other day... she was uncanny with her ability to stop the moment I aimed the camera at her. About 15 seconds long.
Usually Stormy reserves chasing her tail for the bathtub. I think maybe she thinks that, like the hair ties, in the bathtub her tail won't be able to escape?