Oct 26, 2009 15:14

The Rules:

* Reply to this meme by yelling "Words!".
* I will then give you five words that remind me of you.
* Then post them in your LJ and explain what they mean to you.

karnimolly picked these words for me:
- conventions
- super heroes
- Black Leather Gloves

Ah, yes. Like any good fangirl I stumbled across this term at some point during my consumpion of smutty yaoi fanfiction. Now most author don't go and spend hours on wikipedia and other sites on the topic (*cough*), and the lack of research usually shows. I'm not even sure how exactly I found the deviation series (four books by Chris Owen and Jodi Payne), but they have changed my view on the topic. And made me LOVE IT LOTS LIKE OMG. XD
The books got me thinking and doing even more research. I also bought more books, but few to none have caused a comparably strong reaction in me (although I do realize that none of these novels represent the real think because they're just that: novels, fiction). I do however blieve that now I'm at a point where, to take my knowledge to a new level and significantly increase my pool pf inspiration, I'd have to talk to someone in the scene or try some stuff out myself (and coward that I am I don't see that happening in the foreseeable future). ^^;;
But the idea of submission fascinates me. Giving uo power, serving another, and pain to a certain degree. It makes for interesting relationships and a different kind of identity struggle.

Or, more accurately, anime conventions. There is something to be said for gatherings of people who are all passionate about more or less the same thing. There's an atmosphere you don't get anywhere else. It pulls you in, makes you want to be one of the group, share the fervor - and have fun. ^_^x
My first convention was Germany's biggest anime con at the time, AnimagiC (still in Koblenz back then). 2002 I think, I'm not sure. A lot of people I already knew (from my area) also went and we had an awesome weekend. There weren't as many smaller conventions as there are today and the second convention I discovered for myself was Connichi (already in Kassel after its change in location) where most of my friends (from Cologne or the general area) voluntered as staff members. By the end of my first Connichi I'd been recruited as well (because that's how it works).
Even during my time of "I'm not really into anime anymore" I never skipped Connichi ('cept for that one time when a school trip to Italy forced me). A convention - as far as I'm concerned - isn't primarily about the shows or merchendise or workshops or whatnot. It's about the people you meet. Anyway, working at a convention makes for a very different experience, but one I enjoyed since almost everyone I knew did the same thing.
I only found out this year that you don't have enough free time if you actually want to see and experience the convention like regular visitors do. ^^;; It doesn't really matter most of the time, unless you have a friend who's not a staff member.
Erm, long story short: I LOVE conventions. Non-anime ones, too. If I can afford it I'd like to check out some furry conventions next year. ^^x

In three words: super special awesome! Ahhh, the awsomeness that is Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series. I think I was browsing TV tropes where there are few articles without a reference to YGO TAS, and at som point I got curious enough to ask youtube about it. I spent the following hours laughing my ass off, as any YGO fan would. XD
It made me want to read YGO fanfiction again... only now I kept hearing the abridged voices in my head. o_Ox It is also thanks to TAS that I found out about 5D's for which I am eternally grateful. ^_^x

super heroes
Remember the "I'm not really into anime anymore"-phase I mentioned above? Around the time when I started studying Japanese at university I lost my passionate interest in manga and anime. I still read the occasional manga and watched an anime every now and then, but that was about it. Instead, I got into comics, super hero comics specifically.
Within a short time I acumulated a scarily indepth knowledge of the Marvel and DC universe and spent way too much money on comic books. Over time my interest shifted from DC (Batman, Teen Titans, Green Lantern, Flash) to Marvel (Iron Man, Spider-Man, Captain America, Deadpool) and believe me when I say that a slasher feels right at home in either universe.
I must say though that when it comes to fan material we have a lot to learn from Japan. I own exactly one Iron Man doujinshi and that's it. There's only a little fanart and a little more fanfiction, but nothing compared to what I was used to from fandoms like Yu-Gi-Oh!. Might also be because of the fact that comics are fighting a lost battle against the market dominance of manga. Most people think of super hero comics in terms of stereo types that are no more true than that manga are all hentai trash. I do admit though that it's harder to get into, say, Marvel comics than it is to get into Manga. You have this huge, complicated, unapproachable universe, constant crossovers and hints at things that happened twenty years go... it takes time, money and determination.

Black Leather Gloves
(note the capital letters XD)
I might have a slight (okay, not so slight) glove fetish. I blame it on Batman (gauntlets!), but on a more recent note I believe that karnimolly has had a hand in my fixation. But even before that I thought that Rex keeping his gloves on while smexxing Jack was WAY HOT. The gesture of pulling off one's gloves with their teeth always appeled to me. Batman wearing the gauntlets and Robin (Tim) musing about the fact with his brilliant, broken little brain (it's not Bruce, it's Batman and does that make it better or worse? Or should the question be between right and wrong and can there ever be anything not wrong about Batman that is not right?) made me squeal with delight.
But that was all BEFORE. Before Molly went and turned herself into Divine... I feel the need to further explain this. When Molly glares at me I want to hug her. When Divine glares at me I want to kneel down and beg forgiveness.
And when Divine touches you with those Black Leather Gloves and grabs the hair at the back of your head... that deserves capital letters. I tried to explain it in a fic, but it seems that to fully appreciate it, you need the personal experience to back it up. Nothing ever compares to the real thing.

Incidentally, pandir would have chosen these words for me:
- D/s (covered under BDSM)
- Furry/Pokémon
- 5D's (Rex/Yusei/Jack/Rudger)
- Bakura
- Musicals

Not the same thing but related, that's true. Looking back I have loved - and produced - furry art for a long, long time, but I discovered th fandom only recently. As for Pokémon... I've seen innocent childhood memories go the way of all yiff and Pokémon is no exception. XD Also: Blaziken is HOT, in more sense than one. ^^;;

I fail to see a combination of these four characters that would not be totally awesome and also extremely hot. Are you telling me we need a foursome? I haven't even finished tht threesome you caused me to be obsessed with! XD

I love his German voice (his first one, as I've been told it changes later on). I love his character, everything about him. The HAIR, god the hair! I have to finally watch the last season to understand his real role in everything.
In related news: a friend of mine acquired a Bakura/Seth, Pharaoh/Seth doujinshi in Tokyo.

I don't even remember when I started to love musicals. My father used to listen to them a lot and my mother introduced me to Cats. I've only seen a few of them live, but I love them all the same. I have difficulties picking a favorite (as per usual), but I think Elisabeth and Lion King would be among the candidates. (I got yout CDs ready, just need to send them. ^^;;)


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