C-c-copy cat

Mar 06, 2006 21:43

pell your name backwards: foohcs eitak

have you ever had a song written about you: 3 apparently.

what song makes you cry: HAHA I'm not telling its to rediculous

what song makes you happy: Sufjan Stevens- Come on feel the illinoise

what's your all time fav. song?: George Michaels-Faith AND Zebrahead-Lazy daze

what do you listen to before you go to sleep:Alex?

height:5'2" YEA

hair color: Naturally a dirty dirty blonde(light brown?). Now a dark brown.

piercings: None

tattoos:One on the wrist

Right Now . . .

what color pants are you wearing: Black slacks

what song are you listening to: I'm not

what taste is in your mouth?: Saliva

whats the weather like?: Cloudy and windy and cold.

how are you?: Pretty good.

get motion sickness?: nope

have a bad habit?:Many

get along with your parents?: Yes, they're my best friends

boyfriend/girlfriend: He's gay but thats ok I'm just using him.

what is one thing you would change about your apperence: Uh..I don't know maybe my teeth or heigth

do you have a crush: so many sparkles

have a big regret:Not really

Favorite . . .

tv show: Scrubs and Kids in the Hall

conditioner: Pantene and thermasilk

book: Perks, catcher. (haha god damn you kelly)

non alchohol drink: Water and Passion tea lemonade

alchohol drink: Meh

things to do on the weekend: Lazer light show, dinner, party, camping, dance party, p tizzle adventures, ice blocking is going to happen someday, cardboarding, movie, chill, sharies, starbizzle, work, hw, canoodle

Have You Ever . . .

broken the law: Yesss

ran away from home: Not sinec 3rd grade and by runaway I mean walked two blocks down got scared and went back home.

snuck out of the house: many a times

ever gone skinny dipping: Yessss

made a prank phone call: Not since 5th grade

tipped over a portapotty: No

use your parents credit card:only to go grocie shopping for them.

skipped school before: Hahah tooo much

fell asleep in the shower/bath: yes

been in a school play: 5 or 6

had a boyfriend/girlfriend: a few

had children: 7.

been in love: Haha yes.

have a hard time getting over someone: Not really.

been hurt?: Yeah

gone out with someone you only knew for 3 days: No

Random . . .

have a job: Starbizzle

your cd player has what in it right now: Harry Connick Jr.

if you were a crayon, what color would you be?: Black. Like my soul.

what makes you happy?: Sooooo much. Mostly seratonin.

the next CD you're going to buy: James Blunt!

When/What Was the Last . . .

time you got a real letter: Christmas

got an email:Two days ago? <3 german emails

thing you purchased: Hair spray and blush.

Tv program you watched: Courting Alex is on right now in the other room

movie you saw in the theaters: Running Scared. That movie is fucked. But good.It made me squirm

kissed: a few weeks ago

hugged: a half hour ago <3 mi madre

song heard: Not sure

place you were [ besides home ]: Work

you were depressed: I have like a few depressed days each month. so like two weeks ago.

you were in the hospital: I used to work in one but I haven't been in one as a patient since 6th grade

When/What Comes to Mind When You Hear . . .

car: gas

murder: dark alley

cape: red

cell: magic bus

shoe: sneaker

fun: balls


music: stands

chalk: sidewalk
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