Title: In Spades
Character(s): Ezra, All Seven
Word Count (this part): 5,908
Summary: What happens when Ezra goes in too deep?
Part 1a][
Part 1b][
Part 2][
Part 3][
Part 4a][
Part 4b][
Part 5a][
Part 5b][
Part 6a][Part 6b]
Part 6b )
Comments 14
Squirrel shout out! and Vin totally feeds it, lol.
I love Vin+Ezra ♥
I'm glad it was entertaining through he whole reading of te story.
Okay, first of all, you know I love all your stories. I love your characterization (number 1 priority for me) and the way you write is engaging.
But this story was amazing! Great flow, great tension, and there was something...more...to your writing. It was even more...damn, I don't even know how to say it without sounding like a dick, but it was even better and more engaging than usual. You have improved, and that's not supposed to be a backhanded compliment, either!
Really good pacing and I was genuinely worried a few times, too. Probably because you made *them* worried and it came across exactly like that.
Ok, I am rambling so I'm not sure that all made sense, but yeah, awesome job! Loved it!! :D
DOOD, I am so stoked at your review!!
And I'm blown away that you've said ive improved. You have no idea.
I'm sorry I worried you, but at the same time, I'm elated. To have you feel what the guys were feeling is amazing.
This one took me a long while to edit and get all the parts right, and my beta reader helped me immensely (yay for strangevisitor7!!).
Again, thank you for the review (it made my night), and I hope you retread and enjoy this story for a long time to come :)
I appreciate the feedback. This bad boy took me about a year to write and get trough editing. And of course it went through a couple of "this is never gonna get finished!" moments. When it finally did, and my beta helped me clean it up, an I finally posted it, I felt like I gave birth. Hee.
And yay! I hate loose ends, and I always worry I leave one out there, and when I find it later, I face palm.
I enjoy writing action, and I'm glad when it works.
Someone else told me that a lot of the scenes made them think it was gonna be one thing, but then it was something different... They were glad it wasn't formulaic, and had some turns.
I'll stop rambling now. Thank you do much for the comment :)
WOW, I haven't read a brilliant Mag7, Ezra-centric ATF fic like this in a looooong time! It brings back fond memories of the good old days when the new crop of fab Mag7 writers arose to take their places amongst the fandom's classic greats.
I enjoyed Ezra's adventures as Eddie and I felt just as exhausted by his intensely dangerous job as he did! LOved how well-plotted the story was and how I was on the edge of my seat when things went sideways. I laughed when JD hit Henderson and I even felt a little sorry when Ezra revealed who he really was in the end.
Completely dug the interaction between Ezra and Vin at the very end. That was some nice dialoge there.
This story is such a wonderful gift to Mag7, Ezra fans. Thank you so much for writing it and DOUBLE thank you for making an announcement about it on the Yahoo Groups. Yes, people still do belong to those old groups just for that purpose!!!
I was hoping you'd come around and give this a read; you always leave me such wonderful feedback.
Eddie was a fun persona to write. And yes, I wanted to show how Ezra was tired and stressed and longing for his normal life. I wanted to show it, and not tell it ;)
This big boy took me a year to write, mostly because I wanted to round the plot out. And I got frustrated doing that, so I had to walk away a few times.
And I was totally going for a betrayal feeling when he reveals himself to sheppard. The whole idea came from a thought about Ezra being in too deep on some case. I thought "how deep, and how do I make that happen?" and it spilled from there.
And yay for yahoo lists! I did a mass emailing for those, and I really wasn't sure what that would net me, but if I got you to stop by, then WIN.
Thank you for the wonderful (as always) feedback. :)
I'm VERY proud of you for having stuck to a work that took you a year to write! Lots of writers don't have the patience for it, but you did and you created something of quality. NOthing wrong with walking away for a time and coming back later.
I'm soooo sorry for sucking at LJ updates. Yes, thank GOD you thought of Yahoo!
Don't kill me for saying this, but...uhm, I think you could write the heck out of BBC Sherlock if you watched the show and read a few of the brilliant fics out there!
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