Following my Pikanchi first photobook scans, here is "Pikanchi Double A to Z" photobook.
188 pages *pats scanner*
All scans are 300dpi.
Dedicated to my dear pervy-scan-craving
yuckie-chan <3
- Credit if used, with a link back to my website. I mean it, for this one, I'll be a real bitch if I find them without credits as I had to RIP OFF my photobook to get it scanned, 90% of pages fell one by one. The least you can do is a little link back!
- Don't claim as your own
- You're free to repost this elsewhere as long as you credit back with a link to my LJ. Except on vox for the only reason that Vox rewrites the files name, so even if you credit me, the tag I've put in the file name, which helps people to keep track of who scanned what, will be lost. Sorry :/
- Comments are <3
Pikanchi Double A to Z
Download Package (278Mb):
Mega MF:
.003 Hope you enjoyed it ^0^y