EDIT: second version uploaded, with better timing typesetting
JINISBACKZOMGISTHATREALLYPOSSIBLE *breathe* (I just saw that when I was typing my post, and I HAD TO SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I want to hear Jin's English NOOOOOOOOW It's 6:00 AM now in Japan, so the press conference is in... 9 hours AAAAARGH!!!! *won't sleep*)
This almost makes up for "Kiiroi Namida" not making it into Cannes ;0; ('cause, well...
it didn't make it (or I would have screamed it all over the web!))
Hum well other than that...
Today I'm bringing you Zoom in SP complete, 18 minutes long interview of Ohno from April the 7th, kindly translated by the AWESOME
nyanchan (give her lots of rabu comments onegaishimasu~)
Ohno in Zoom in SP {2007.04.07}, version 2
RAW: over
here @
adfirmatiosg journal
MU |
MU |
MU Must I add that "Windows Media Player Classic" is ABSOLUTELY needed if you choose to view it softsubbed, because... overlapping like mad!!!!
This interview was fairly interesting and enjoyable (Riida ilusm!)
Memorable parts:
- Nino going all "Aah~ Tamori da! Tamori da!"
- Jun talking about Johnny-san "what's with this guy?" XD~
- OHMIYA SK! <3 Ohno mentioned again (after Hanamaru Cafe the other day) how Nino is constantly molesting him XDDD (yay! I learned a new Japanese word today! "KETSU!" XD~ )
- Ohno impersonnating Aiba "Ah~ I want to go home" <3 XD
- All the Ohno's kaa-san rabu rabu! <3
As a matter of fact, does anyone have this video of their debut in Hawaii? It's not the first time I saw clips of it, but never came accross the actual video (and it's not up on ArashianFiles either).Can anyone help? ;A;
In the main time, I rewatched the video of Ohno being chosen as the leader in Show nen Time AHAHAHAHA The look on this face, it's priceless <3
Other than that, please enjoy minna~