Title: Dearg Recipient: sideralis Pairing or character: Jinwoo & Irene Rating: PG-13 Warnings: blood, disturbing imagery, [kind of spoilers?]implied organ harvesting/smuggling, implied abduction/incapacitation, implied onscreen minor character death via organ removal Summary: Jinwoo just wanted to catch his breath. Notes: Thank you to everyone who talked with me
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this was creepily nice :'))) i enjoyed how you decided to tell the story, going back and forth between present and recent past... especially the ending, which is also the beginning, it really gave me the feel of such a movie style/touch. very nice! *^*
Huh?? I needed to reread this from the below kk. It is dont know what to say. It is almost doesnt have any action. But still so scary. Was that spa had secrets? Like vampire or something?
My comment didn't post when I first read this ahh T_T (I only saw/realized now when I reread this and didn't see my comment. I'm SO sorry)
Thank you for going through a non-linear story telling style! It's a breath of fresh air. I totally did not see the gore/organ harvesting coming, but it was done so subtly, so nice work on that! I'd definitely wanna know more about what happens next to the characters ^^ the only thing I wish was, that this was longer, haha. But kudos on this fic :D thank you so much for creating this world/scenario and fulfilling my prompt!!
Comments 4
My comment didn't post when I first read this ahh T_T (I only saw/realized now when I reread this and didn't see my comment. I'm SO sorry)
Thank you for going through a non-linear story telling style! It's a breath of fresh air. I totally did not see the gore/organ harvesting coming, but it was done so subtly, so nice work on that! I'd definitely wanna know more about what happens next to the characters ^^ the only thing I wish was, that this was longer, haha. But kudos on this fic :D thank you so much for creating this world/scenario and fulfilling my prompt!!
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