Catching Up

Feb 11, 2011 22:01

Catching up on some Charloft chat... Sorry guys, things have just been killer busy with the filming for the DVD release of one of our Tours...... crap I can't talk about that yet. Well screw it. The Marketing boys can bite me.. check this out:

Comic Book - 01/26/11 What makes you guys think the Marketing Boys aren't already working on comic books?

disclaimer ; It's fan-made (I know it's been a while since I picked up a comic but the cover art hasn't gone that far down hill that you'd think this was real.... right?) by vilawolf . There is no such think as a SUCK comic. but that would be killer.

As for Feb. 11th, 2011 "Today, share with us a list of places you'd like to visit before you die. Bonus points for explaining why."

I travel all over the world pretty much year round. If there's a zip-code, The Winner's will be there sooner than you think. Why? Because we're Rock Stars. Does get boring after a while... some times I'd like to spend more time at home but the Marketing Boys keep us pretty busy. And I guess it's something I'll have to get use to seeing how it looks like I'll be around for a very long time. I think I'll be the first vampire to sit in the same city for a hundred or so years after I give up the stage. I'm just getting tired of living on the plane.

On to Feb. 10th, 2011: "It's Drabble Thursday again. Give us a hundred in-character words on hatred."

I don't hate. I don't care enough about anything to hate. Not even when I was human. All I ever cared about was the music. But I have been hated. Of course I have. I'm a vampire. It's not all goth-groupies and fat pay checks from the label. I don't get it either. It's not like I kill people who matter and I don't care enough about the people hunting me to hate them as much as they hate me. So why can't we all just feel the love?


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