Dual Charloft Post

Feb 19, 2011 03:48

Saturday: Feb. 18th, 2011 Music can supposedly summon up any of a hundred emotions. Today, share a song that you find funny.

It's funny because he just crapped out all of modern music as we know it with this one go:

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Friday: Feb. 18th, 2011
Make a list of social, political, or societal mores that you believe in.

Interview From MTV

On your various projects over the years you've sang, played bass, guitar and drums. Any thought of doing a solo album?

Haha, no. It's just too much work to go solo and ya know, I really wouldn't be one of the Winners anymore. They are my family.

What are your worst personal characteristics?

You mean other than the fangs? I didn't do any of this the right way. I tried for 10 years but in the end I buckled.

What is the best advice someone ever gave you?

Don't Suck. It doesn't matter if you wrote it in one day, two days, a year ago... that's not an excuse. If it's not your best it sucks and don't suck. No pressure or anything.

What do you think of the Political Climate in the States?

I think everyone just needs to calm down and take a drink, not that I mean it like that, but ya know, I am Canadian.

What does that feel like, to know that you can stop traffic all over the place?

'Wow really. I can do this? Are you serious? Hey Guys! Watch this!' It's really like that. I'm surprised no one has hit me yet.

The song “So Close It Hurts” is about spousal abuse isn't it?

Yeah, a lot of people have been saying that and yeah, it comes off that way. Look, Jen and I didn't really click back then, before all this. I didn't listen to her when we were together. Emotionally I might not have been the best boyfriend back then.

Honestly? Jen was the first one of us to become a vampire and while we were on the road staying in shitty motels I would often share a room with her. We tried to get her her own when ever we could but sometimes we just didn't have the money and the song comes from that. Trying to sleep in the same room with a vampire.. who is your ex-girlfriend who resented you. Justifiably.

Treat your girlfriends right guys or they might threaten to rip your throat out one night while you're asleep.

What's your opinion of the Bieber/Spalding controversy?

What controversy? She won. Ms. Spalding is a remarkable artist and deserves her award. It's a genera that very rarely gets any recognition on that level and more power to her for being able to bring it out like she does. If even ten percent of the Bieber fans out there quit bitching that she won and listen to WHY she won, they'd understand.


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