this is terribly apt for me. right now I'm in a class that's all about sustainable community gardening, community awareness of food security, and gmo's this clip is crazy! Thanks for putting it up.
side note: i miss your web site you had the best recs there.
Ah, I didn't realize my rec site was down. The friend I was hosting with apparently isn't keeping up the site.
I hadn't upkept it in years anyway. Sorry you miss it! I can always just give you the code if you really want the info that badly. It was fun while I kept it up and read all the fics. I haven't read fic in years!
I'm glad you liked the clip. I thought it was pretty relevant to our world right now. Sounds like an interesting class.
Comments 2
side note: i miss your web site you had the best recs there.
I hadn't upkept it in years anyway. Sorry you miss it! I can always just give you the code if you really want the info that badly. It was fun while I kept it up and read all the fics. I haven't read fic in years!
I'm glad you liked the clip. I thought it was pretty relevant to our world right now. Sounds like an interesting class.
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